Living in the Wilderness means I don`t have access to a lot of things unless I bring them here..A good internet hook-up,is one of them........Right now I`m on telephone dial up..........It is so slow!..
......Sometimes I want to do this!..
..Then this!..
....But..Then I would`nt have an internet connection at all!.............So..I`m thinking of getting a Satellite Internet hook-up..It`s supposed to be very fast!..
.........Does any one here have "Satellite Internet" hook-up?..Or..Experience with it?.....
.....Satellite Internet.....
by OUTLAW 26 Replies latest jw friends
Average price to start, $200-$300.
Price per month - $80-$100
Speed 386k-1.5M if you have not storms or line of sight issues.
Of the three people I know with serive, 100% hate it. Say it is not much faster then dail-up, most of the time, and does a lot of down time.
Move to civilization....
Free2bme..Here it`s $500.00..That buys my equipment out right..And..$50.00 per month,to get the service....There`s 2 types of phone service here in B.C..."Fast speed"(Available only in civilization),it`s slow......And.."Regular",which is really frigg`n slow!!....Even if I got up to the speed of "fast dial up" it would be a big change for me...................................................Zeroday..Where would I keep the Penguins?..
Satanus..I`m trying Bud!..I use the "Force" to keep the Beer cold..
Just back from southern Alberta.
OK, OK..I know, I know, it's not the same as where you are.
British Columbia is a HUGE province with more mountains than you can imagine; thus the cable/live antennae receiver question.
Satellite connection.
Who provides that sort of deal there OUTLAW.
My pals north of Calgary are with BELL. For their Satellite hook-up.
Are there any alternatives? Telus? or ... here's a long shot (if you've even cared to read this) - who provides CBC radio service where you are?
Don't laugh; whether you like them/love them/hate them: They have transmitters EVERYWHERE in CANADA. Even in places where there's more rodents than humans.
If you do get ANY CBC feed; you can bet that as much as you'll get an AM/FM/SW signal where you are - it's coming from a satellite feed.
Contact (toll free) 1-866-306-INFO (4636)
They can give you some information about satelitte service. Not that you'll get a free ride, but perhaps they can (ahem!) via your interest, boost their satellite feed into your area (free of charge). No guarantee - but it is worth a try even if it means a piggy-back on their across-the-nation wi-fi even in the woods of British Columbia.
I'm going to inquire here (as I know some local CBC folks) about this.
See if there's some 'convenient feed' you can tap into. Of course, being that British Columbia is bigger than most countries in Europe etc., and I do not know your specific coordinants - well ... again, I can understand your reticence.
I'll post here, post info as I come across it.
Best of luck Outlaw.
RazorBlade..It`s a company called "ExporeNet"..It`s for "Internet Service"...........I`m not after a TV signal..I already have Bell,it`s strictly for TV reception..It`s the best for BC..Rarely any problems except when there`s a ThunderStorm..
I live in an area that offers dialup or satellite. We were on dialup for years. It was slow and constantly aggravating. I hated it and would periodically call around for better service. Then we learned about the internet cards offered by alltel and att. We bought one and LOVE it. You might see if one would work in your area. BTW, it's wireless and plugs into a laptop USB port. When we travel, it goes with us. It makes surfing the net a snap, even on the highway.
I have not used satellite Internet, but be wary. I have heard a lot of complaints. I decided against it for that very reason.
Have you considered using a wireless card that goes over the wireless phone networks? I live in a wilderness area also and it works pretty good for me, lots faster than dialup. I am using Verizon wireless for my hookup. Most of the major wireless providers now have high speed internet over their networks. It just a wireless card or USB adapter so unlike a satellite dish it is also portable!
Without getting into the specifics satellite is a broadcast (one to many) technology - at BSkyB we have about 2Gb/s hitting the customer dish offering about 500 TV channels - 20 of them HD - so serious bandwidth from the satellite
The return path (which you need for the Internet) is notoriously difficult/ slow - most subscribers don't want to invest a few million into building their own earthstation uplink facilty :-) so you end up using low powered cheap gear trying to hit a satellite 20,000 miles up in the air
hence BSkyB decided to invest over $1bn in building a telephone line based Internet service for their subscribers
Just my 0.02