I've never thought........................that the end would come before the beginning, but as time drifts on I see that chronology isn't a proven theory, and thoughts are only partially relevant. Drifting off to sleep at night to sleep a thoughtless dream, or dream a thoughtless sleep, and end a day that was never waking, and morning comes too quickly and the alarm clock is not often heard. And maybe the end has come, and it was just like the beginning, and the beginning isn't happening.
Lemmee take a crack at translating this: When you're stocking shelves at the hardware store day after monotonous day, time seems to stand still. Like totally. I never dreamed my life would suck this hard. When the alarm clock goes off (unless I forget to set the bastard!), and I hit the snooze button 5 times, I still have to get up and go to that miserable job at some point. I am on a treadmill to hell and every day is like the one before and I know that tomorrow is going to suck, too. I hate my job - I wish I could just stay in bed - or that the world would explode - I don't really care which. Creepy, isn't it? Like I'm right inside your head.