Hi friends!
I found this quite interesting blog which gives evidence that the GT is about to start in autumn 2008 and Jesus would return in 2012. At least for those who are still interested in Bible chronology and prophecy it might be worth a read.
These guys seem to have no connection to Ron Weinland or the CoG people, looks more like JWs/ExJws.
Interesting calculation for the start of the GT and Christ's return
by Philippus79 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
I am interested in the bible and it say "no one knows the day or the hour"
I'm with Leftbelow. It does not belong to us to know the day or the hour.
Last year it was supposed to happen on 7-7-07.
EVERY calculation like this has failed.
Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results??
I'd say that also could be the definition of stupidity.
S4 -
Maybe we should just sticky this thread somewhere towards the top so that each succesive "calculation" can be posted in a convenient manner so that all of us can read it and then prepare for absolutely nothing?
that's why I said 'for those still interested'...gg -
Get a handle of yourself people (no pun intended). Someone mentions that Mayan calendar ends in 2012 and suddenly all fundamentalist go berserk. FYI, Mayan calendar would belong to that other side, you know, dark side of the force, aka "devil"
If I was the "Lord" I certainly wouldn't tell my worst enemy when the end is coming while my household is in the dark.Or could it be that some people just have a sick sense of enjoyment in contemplating 6 billion people being wipped out. Damn! real christian values, had been honed through centuries, that's for sure.
I believe that every guess on the end time is going to fail. People try to guess, like they have been doing since the early Catholic church. And every time, they have been wrong.
They were wrong each time the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger put out a date. And they were wrong each time a small cult picks out a date--those guesses are no better. This is ongoing--even here, I have seen guesses like June 12, 2007 fail (and I predicted that they would fail, too). I have also seen 2011 predicted more times than I care to remember on this forum--and I am predicting that that will fail. And where are all the ads proclaiming 2008 as the end? We are 2/3 through 2008, with no sign of the end. For sure, 2012 is just as likely to be a bust as those other predictions.