Barf! Puke! Ugh!!

by Frequent_Fader_Miles 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods
    This system is boring compared with what Jehovah has to offer. In the New system you will have the time too pursue any skill and get really good at it,

    Lovely. Perhaps you will have time to discover and master at least a part of the English language.

    You will also discover first-hand the meaning of "boring".

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Those words she (guys aren't usually worried about frizzy hair) wrote sound exactly like the stuff I tried using in school with my friends to convince them to become JW's.

    She's parroting word for word what is said at the meetings.

    I hope she sees the "new light" and wakes up.

    Think she's a born-in?

  • james_woods

    White Dove, my instinct woud say newly converted through family - maybe not even baptised.

    This rant may be a self-expression to try to adjust to all these witness ideas.

    I would suggest that a born-in would hardly ever be this naive of enthusiastic - they generally run to the cynical pragmatic side of things, in my experience.

    It is a sad thing to read.

  • Mandette

    Geezus Crisp Almighty!

    ROTHFLMAO!!!!! You all are a hoot!!!!!!!!!!! I love the "geezus" thingie!!!!!

    I seem to remember this attitude(very arrogant one) about how the JW's will be able to just take what they want from those horrible wicked worldly people!!!! And how this attitude contributed to the elitism(spelling?) of the whole organization.

    How offensive.


  • White Dove
    White Dove


    You mean like they can take take take social services, charity, and the nice houses of the destroyed wicked ones (always shopping in service for rich people's homes)?

    I never got the "take charity but never give to charity" mentality.

  • Mandette

    White Dove..

    Exactly!!! And very gleeful about it too. What happened to loving your neighbor as yourself? Or does that only refer to other JW's????


  • Nosferatu

    Saten's system: Wars, every form of violence, rape ,murders, Abuse of children

    Items 2, 3, 4, and 5 seem to also be included in Jehovah's system. Someone is dillusional.

  • quietlyleaving

    at least in Satans filthy world we don't have the threat of being put to death at any moment hanging over our heads. Can you you just imagine the scene in Jehovah's system - someone does something wrong and everyone in the village waits patiently to see them put to death. When it doesn't happen the elders (acting as Jehovahs representatives) get together and stone the person.

  • dinah

    Hi, QL

    I actually remember some of the sisters picking out the houses they would like to have when the current occupants were dead. It always seemed so disturbing to me.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't a very young maybe 11-12 year old born-in. Some do tend to be all optimistic until they reach teenage years.

  • quietlyleaving

    Hi Dinah

    I'm guessing 16-18yrs old but with bad spelling. Is there any way to tell for sure, how old the individual is?


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