I have learned alot on this site. But could I get an awnser on the sword going through the Knight in Armor illustrated in on the WT!
whats up with the Knight in Armor being stabbed on the original WT's
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It is the Masonic Knight Templars emblem. In Russell's era WT had a connection with Freemasons. The Bible Students even used to gathered in Masonic halls. Plus there are many who believe that Russell was a Freemason. He is burried in a Masonic graveyard, there is a Pyramid(the same one you find in the US 1 dollar) on the grave side. Pyramid is one of the strongest evidence regarding WT connection with Masons. The cap stone of the Pyramid with the All Seeing Eye, the Symbol of Ra the Egyptian Sun God. So why did Russell used Masonic Symbols, and expressions(and WT still uses Masonic expressions, even Watchtower is one of the Masonic expressions) if he wasn't a Freemason, or at least if he wasn't feeling sympathy for Freemasons?
wha happened?
which WT?
Thanks for the pic, Ynot... and JustHuman you did a great job of summing up that craziness!
wha happened?
well that history is wacky, what the hell did this movement become?
That is called the Knights of Malta (or Hospitality)
I'm wondering if James Penton, Edmund Gruss, Ray Franz, or Barbara Anderson have ever supported the view that Russell or the WTS were connected with the freemasons?
I noticed that the cross in the crown is at an angle....possibly it is at a 32 decrees and was not Charles Russel also considered a Knight Templar, which would have been a 32 decree freemason?
compound complex
The sermon below was delivered by Charles Taze Russell in 1913, and appears in Pastor Russell's Convention Discourses, beginning on page 359. Some enemies of Russll have taken portions of this sermon out of context in order to make it appear the Mr. Russell was a member of the Freemason organization, or that he was being highly influenced by Freemasons. Of course, those who are familiar with Russell's writings know he was not a member of the Freemason organization, and that was only interested in the comparison of masonry (building) with the building of the spiritual temple of God as spoken of in the Bible, and the fact that the building work of God's temple is not understood by the world. We have reproduced the entire sermon here so one may see exactly what Russell was saying and in what context he was making his statements.
The Temple of God
Witness 007
Alot of religions have adopted the cross and crown and knights templar symbols as being "christian" symbols....check the net.