Watchtower Languages

by cameo-d 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie


    w07 11/1 p. 17 "The Silver Is Mine, and the Gold Is Mine" ***Today, the average printing per issue is 28,578,000 copies, in 161 languages.Awake!, the companion magazine to TheWatchtower, has an average printing of 34,267,000 copies, in81 languages.
  • bereanbiblestudent

    >What year was that Blondie? Thanks Joker 10 says 450, so I am wondering the time frame difference.

    There is a difference in the translation of the Watchtower and the number of languages in which publications are translated. For example many languages only have 1 brochure or a tract that is translated.

    I wonder if the average of the Watchtower is just for the public edition since the study edition is a very limited printing. that must take the average down.

  • cameo-d

    I thought I had heard somewhere that the Watchtower had some kind of thing (tools, Cd program, something, I don't remember what it was called) that members were allowed to use when they needed translations of language for some reason.

    Is there some way I can get a translation for other language through an internet resource?

    I am looking for translation of a book: Namesíc a ješte dál.


  • uninformed

    The name of the program was MEPS.

    MEPS--- Multilanguage Electronic Phototypesetting System

    It helped them with the simutaneous printing of the WT in the 80 or so languages. (it didn't translate)

    As Blondie pointed out there are over 6500 languages in the world, and the WT is printed in 80 or so. That is a feat and deserves a degree of commendation. Too bad they are such nazis when it comes to their mistaken teachings.

    I toured bethel once and got to watch them on computers designing the fonts for the various languages on the computer. quite a deal.


  • uninformed

    On another thread, someone said that the WT Society has a library of some 10,000 books. Pretty small library. I have been in their library at Bethel, and it is NOT impressive.

    They didn't even have "30 Years A Slave of the Watchtower" or "Crisis of Conscience".


  • cameo-d

    MEPS--- Multilanguage Electronic Phototypesetting System

    It helped them with the simutaneous printing of the WT in the 80 or so languages

    YES. That's it! All I could remember was it was 3 or 4 letter ancronym. How can there be over 6500 languages? That sounds rather excessive, don't you think?

    For all of WT's braggery about bringing the news to every corner of the world........only 80 language translations for mags seems rather paltry.

    Thank you Brant.

    Any ideas....if I can find out what this language is and translation? Namesíc a ješte dál.

  • uninformed

    most of the languages are spoken by very few people.

    Take the Navajo language for example. Probably just a few hundred or so speak that. There are lots of languages spread around the world. 6500 does not surprise me.

    Glad I could help on the MEPS

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