i explained the other day to a friend of mine the real reason there are 7 million now as opposed to the 3 million or so in the 80's. it goes back to the 50's 60's and 70' and continued into the 80's and 90's. just think of all the families that are/were in your hall. at our hall one couple is directly responsible for over 30 baptized publishers in our city . they had 6 kids, and they in turn had about 20 kids who all got baptised and now they are getting married and guess what will happen? you guessed it , they will continue the trend. at our hall 75 percent of the baptisms are kids that were raised or brought to the jw's by their parents. also, the worlds population has exploded in the last 50 years at least. if you look at the stats for mormons the growth is the same as witnesses, even all the other religions have increased in a similar rate as witness if you look at stats from early in the century up til now..
by ?me? 16 Replies latest jw friends
Quite right. The growth rate over the last ten years is barely above the population growth rate despite 1 billions hours of preaching. In Western countries it has been been below the pop growth rate, which means that the number coming in from the territory is not even enough to replace the kids that are leaving.
I wonder when they the GB will realise the way to grow the religion is by encouraging the publishers to have more children - which is the reason the fastest growing religion globally is Islam?
Well the WTS is against masterbatin
There were 6 million JW`s,30 yrs ago..That`s when you had to get in 10hrs a month in,to be a publisher.......Now you only need 1hr a month to be a publisher..15 minutes in some cases..And..the WBT$ claims there are now 6.9 million JW`s...........How many publishers would they really have,if they held today`s JW`s,to the same standards we were held to?..I think you would see a drastic drop in publisher numbers,if they did that!..........It`s all BullSh*t!..There is no growth!.......The WBT$ has had to "Cook the Books",to make it look like their Cult is growing!..LOL!!........................
I wonder when they the GB will realise the way to grow the religion is by encouraging the publishers to have more children
Sometimes I think this is part of the reason to discourage college. Sure, ostensibly it is to discourage independent thinking, and certainly that's a bonus. But people without college educations make more babies than people with them.
if you look at the stats for mormons the growth is the same as witnesses, even all the other religions have increased in a similar rate as witness if you look at stats from early in the century up til now.
Actually, Mormons had a 50-year head-start. Still, JWs have a little over 50% more active members than the LDS church. There are only few religions that have actually grown like JWs. And the ones now with a great number, do not have the global distrubution of members that Jehovah's Witnesses do.
They say the Seventh-Day Adventists, Mormons, Assemblies of God, and JWs are the greatest successful religions in recent times. But only JWs have a significant presence in Europe, the former USSR lands, and Japan--not only Africa.
Why do they grow? Because they do not keep their belief to themselves. Their message is different. Not everyone accepts traditional beliefs.
Based on they're results over the last, oh, 100 years, they totally suck.
There is no way that they're growing.
If everyone who wanted to leave could and not get shunned, there would be few people left.
I think it has to do with getting children as young as 6 to get baptized. Of course, if they are to be ready for baptism at age 6, they need to become unbaptized publishers at age 5 and below. And, with the waste of paper distribution campaigns that make that easier, more are going to come out earlier than they otherwise would have, and thus inflate the growth.
And I will not discount fake time slips filled out on behalf of inactive publishers to appease the hounder-hounders. And the fake field circus time filled out by publishers to appease the hounders. That, too, inflates the numbers.
I sincerely believe their overall world-wide numbers are inflated. I seriously doubt there's been a substantial growth.
The Kingdom Hall I still belong to (though I haven't attended in a long time) has had the same members for years. A couple of new people will pop up for a short while and then disappear. What I do see is the kids that stay and go. Some get married and leave the congregation, others grow up to become publishers. But there has not been any kind of substantial growth.
Now in the town I grew up in, the Spanish congregations there have grown substantially, but again it's mostly family members that get baptized, become publishers, they keep having kids, etc. There aren't as many people coming in, as there are just family conversions.
Overall, I think someone in Crooklyn is changing a 1 into a 7 somewhere in order to fool everyone that the bOrganization is growing...
Just my opinion...
There were 6 million JW`s,30 yrs ago
Not sure where you get that from...according to the Yearbook, there were a little over 2 million 30 years ago.
Maybe you are counting the number of persons attending the memorial 30 years ago?
Anyway, aside form the growth in families cited above, keep in mind that a lot of growth still happens in 3rd worls countires, and even in 1st world countries with large populations of 3 world emigrants.
If you live in, or recently fled from, a cardboard hut with a dirt floor, open sewage, violent gangs, warfare, etc., and are illiterate and/or Bible-ignorant as well, the "paradise soon" message is quite appealing.