so i haven't been to meetings for close to a year( been to busy on jwd:D) my wife has been angry at the elders for awhile but still believes the doctrine somewhat. i've been drop hints for awhile and she has agreed with what i've said. cut to a couple nights ago i have her watch the national geographic on cults and applied it to witnesses and she was absolutely speechless, and she had the look of it has all been a sham on her face. secretly i was excited but decided not to push anything further that nihgt but will continue to drop hints so as not to spook her.( we all know how quickly they spook and become twice as devote) but as of now she has no desireto go to meetings anytime soon. so in summary thanks jwd for giving me the info to "debrief" my wife so we can be free and happy.
the lightbulb finally switched on in my wifes head
by betteroffdead 13 Replies latest jw friends
White Dove
That is great news! I want to see that program, too.
Way to go man!
It is awesome she made that connection in her own mind...
Congratulations! Wishing you continued success with your wife and on your journey.
That was what happened several years ago, the night of the Dateline program on TV exposing the pedophile cover up in the WTS. I knew it was going to be on the air (read it here) but didn't say anything. I just surfed the channels w the remote and stopped on NBC just as it was starting and left it there.
It got the whole family's attention and soon we were all watching it. There was quite a discussion afterwards and we all agreed it had the ring of truth. Things were never the same after that! We went from four active dubs to zero in the space of a year.
Good for you. Wish I knew about that program. I would have watched.
Great news and your soft approach is the best way.
It is awesome she made that connection in her own mind...
That is so important. You can't force a JW to accept what you say or that close down, they need to feel it was their idea.
Awesome news, and KUDOS to you for playing it so understated! Yes I would love to see that program also.
was it this program....
Locutus of Borg
Awesome . . Lob high fives betteroffdead