In the WBTS publication "Jehovah's Day" on page 33 it says this:
Over the centuries, Satan has tried to prove that if humans are given an incentive to do otherwise, they will not serve Jehovah. You know that Satan has failed. Jesus Christ and many other servants of Jehovah have kept integrity to God and have shown that they serve him out of love.
My twisted thinking is this: Was Satan really shown to be wrong, at least according to Witness theology? Many people have continued to "serve Jehovah" but most people are continuing to choose to not serve Jehovah, whatever their incentive to not do so is supposed to be.
I say: New England Patriots fans only attend the games because the team is winning. If the team wasn't winning, people wouldn't go see them. They like the team because they win, not because they actually like the team for what it is.
You say: New England Patriots fans love the team and they would go even if the Patriots had a losing record every year.
What happens: The Patriots start losing. There are only two thousand people showing up for each game opposed to the sixty thousand that were there before.
You say: See I was right. People do love the Patriots.
I say: Wait, what?