Everytime I hear someone say anything about how there are 'no transitional fossils' (fish-amphibians, amphibians-reptiles etc.), I generally ignore it.
Why? Because if they say that, it tends to indicate the person saying it has restricted their research to pro-creation sites that generally repeat one of the classic fifty or so creationist arguements. This in turn tends to indicate that they might not have a great deal of science knowledge.
In such a ccircumstance, if one launched into a passionate discussion on the huge number of transitional fossils in great detail, one would probably not impart any useful information, as they would just be overwhelmed by the data, possibly confused by the vocabulary, and probably just let the data go over their head without adjusting their opinion.
However, I wouldn't want anyone to think that this oft-repeated point-of-view was remotely true.
So, here's a jolly good websire with enough data of transitional fossils to choke a horse. I hope my creationist friends out there will enjoy it...
I am currently compiling (from Creationist sites) a list of fifty or so arguements against Evolution. I am matching them with an evolutionist's response to these arguements. Some of them (arguements against Evolution) are quite funny (especially the New Earther's!!), so expect a few posts before I stick the list on the web somewhere. I realise there are similar resources available, but I like to keep up-to-date...
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...