Should I try internet dating? Does it work?

by Witness 007 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FlyingHighNow

    Dating is daunting. I hope to meet people, become friends and then perhaps find someone to spend time with. A lady I know suggest I volunteer for the arts community. She said that's where all the good men are. Maybe I'll check it out when life calms down a bit.

  • hubert

    Yes, it works. My daughter met her hubby on line. Doesn't mean it will work every time, though. Won't hurt to try.

    Good luck.


  • Mary

    Sure it works! I met all 7 of my husbands on line.

    Laughing MutleyLaughing MutleyLaughing Mutley

  • RubaDub

    Yes, internet sites can work well.

    Just add 20% to the weight that women claim they are and you won't be surprised later.

    Rub a Dub

  • Nosferatu

    Internet dating is much like dating in the real world. The only difference is you have one step added: getting the person offline and meeting them in the real world.

    If you're not well versed in real life dating, you won't be well versed in internet dating.

  • karter

    M y brother want on an internet dating site lets see he met............Miss total nut job x 50 .......Miss i just want a shag x 20.........miss i want stop talking about my ex no matter what x 5............Miss ill go out with you for a wile then ill stop talking to you when you ask why "if you don't know there is know point telling you" x 5 the list goes on however he did met someone nice they have been togeather 18 months.

  • BizzyBee

    Internet dating is for people who are SINGLE - not MARRIED, not SEPARATED. Get your own house in order before you try to start a new one.

  • zagor

    Sure it does, but don't let it roll on forever procrastinating the real action. There is nothing sweeter than looking deep into your lover eyes while holding her in your arms. So use the net if you must but work toward the end of it, not that the net becomes the end in itself

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Internet dating is for people who are SINGLE - not MARRIED, not SEPARATED. Get your own house in order before you try to start a new one.

    you know what Bee? I only paid attention to the subject line when I responded.... I didnt even catch that he is not even separated yet... damn...

    In light of that, I second that...and best comment really in this situation...

    Its a tough situation to be in...rebounds are not the best idea...but then much experience do I have really?

    Snakes ()

  • frankiespeakin

    Yeah if your interested in NSA.

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