This little rant is pointed towards a particular somebody who has found it necessary to blanket all of the JWD users here with generic solicitations for their website and newsletter.
Usually I let this kind of stuff go but this particular individual IMO is quite crass in their style and delivery in supposedly 'exposing' the Watchtower. As such I want to state on the record that I don't care about what you have to say, your methods are stupid. Leave me alone.
You know who you are.
i don't care about what you have to say
by drew sagan 10 Replies latest jw friends
drew sagan
White Dove
Isn't that what PM's are for?
Agreed. I wish such self-aggrandising plagiarists would crawl back into their cocoons.
drew sagan
Agreed. I wish such self-aggrandising plagiarists would crawl back into their cocoons.
aligot ripounsous
I prefer the orginal one, she 'd jump the broomstick and cooked somptuous jambalayas.
I thought it was tacky too.
Open mind
Would anyone like to hear about a business opportunity that will change your life?
wha happened?
I didn't receive any emails or PM's
I didn't do it.