Higher Education - do you know any witnesses who are College Lecturers?

by eyeslice 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • eyeslice

    It has become increasingly apparent that the Society is currently taking a hard line on university/college education for the young. However, this policy must put some witnesses in an awkward position.

    I know of an elder who is a prominent university professor, in fact he is a world authority in his field of work, which is a medical area that seeks to better the lot of humankind in general. His working life is totally immersed in education and research.

    Not exactly the career the society would encourage young ones to pursue.

    Eyeslice (Once a very clever young man but not higher educated because of obedience to the Society as a youth)

  • Inquisitor

    I know of a lecturer, but I don't know how the recent directives are affecting him. I doubt it bothers him too much. He's not top of his field. Neither is his university. Lectures in accounting. His students (friends of mine) do not think very highly of him.

    Do you really think it would be an issue, eyeslice? I would've thought that they would treat these lecturers the same as any other JDub doctor, lawyers etc. Lecturers don't have to encourage Witnesses to go to college any more than lawyers encourage Witnesses to sue.


  • daniel-p

    Just a small detail... a professor isn't a lecturer. Lecturers are people who teach college classes but are only part time or that do not have tenure. Lecturers are commonly people who may have a ton of experience in the real world, but do not have the higher degree of PhD or whatever other degree their field uses. Sorry to ramble over a small thing....

  • stillajwexelder

    yes - they are also elders

  • AudeSapere

    An elder in my hall was a math teacher professor at Community College.


    (edited to read 'professor' after reading the other comments. He was indeed referred to as 'Professor B****'.)

  • hamilcarr

    Many, even in frowned upon fields like biology.

  • Gayle

    My children's cousin married a JW fella who teaches/lectures/whatever in a college in Oklahoma. Don't know how he has that all set in his head and conscience.

  • blondie
  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I remember a brother Schoenbeck in Albuquerque who taught machine trades at TVI.....

    One smartaleck named Gaylord found out the teacher was a jw and said out loud that he forgot his wt at home! LOL

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    I only know one. When I talked to him about going back to school, he was supportive but told me not to tell anyone. When he was working on his PhD noone knew about it.

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