Matthew Twenty-four (Is Knocking at the Door)

by Yadirf 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadirf

    "Matthew Twenty-four (Is Knocking at the Door)"

    This was a song written and recorded by Johnny Cash in 1973, an artist that I admire to some extent. (BTW, anyone who likes JC's music can find the lyrics and chords to some of his music by clicking here --->

    Of course Johnny didn't quite know what he was talking about when he wrote the lyrics to Matthew Twenty-four (Is Knocking at the Door). Not only is it NOT quite yet "knocking at the door", but note for example that in the first stanza he used the word "earthquake". We now know that the Greek word "seismos" -- mistranslated "earthquakes" -- simply means "to shake" or "shakings". The word itself having no reference to what is to shake. Exactly what was to shake has to be deciphered from the context, with the help of other texts such as those in the Revelation account. I've highlighted some of the errors in his lyrics by bolding. Your thoughts? /Yadirf

    Matthew Twenty-four (Is Knocking at the Door)

    I heard on the radio there's rumors of war
    People getting ready for battle
    And there may be just one more
    I heard about an earthquake
    And the toll it took away
    These are the signs of the times we're in today.

    Matthew twenty-four is knocking at the door,
    And there can't be too much more to come to pass.
    Matthew twenty-four is knocking at the door,
    And a day or one more could be the last

    A great bear from the northland has risen from his sleep,
    And the Army ranks in red are near two hundred million deep.
    The young and old now prophesy a coming
    Prince of Peace
    And last night I dreamed of lightning in the east.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • Naeblis

    Hmm, looks like even ole Johnny thought that Russia was the King of the North. So much for inspired information. Should have just bought his cd :p

  • Englishman

    My name is Sue!

    How do you do?


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • joelbear

    So, Johnny found out as many others have, that end of the world stuff is a great marketing tool.

    Sells music, books and movies.


  • Yadirf

    Mike Sue Englebum!!! I like it!

    Yep, that's right Joel. But even though the religious world in general has gotten it wrong so far, it doesn't mean that the "end of the world stuff" which the Bible speaks of isn't gonna happen.

    Note that I went back and edited the definition of seismos to read: "the Greek word "seismos" -- mistranslated "earthquakes" -- simply means "to shake" or "shakings".

    BTW it just dawned on me that your parents named you after a Bible character.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • Bang

    Didn't he get off on bein' a baddy at the time, wearing black an' all?
    Maybe the end of the world thing is like a power desire.


  • Yadirf


    Although I know for a certainty that it had nothing to do with the "end of the world" thing, I have been searching for a better explanation than what I can give in answer to your question about why he dressed in BLACK but haven't found it yet. But in doing that search I ran across this bit of information that shows that he too, like a lot of performers, has been a very generous man.

    Renewed sales of his records made Johnny Cash a millionaire. He used his earnings to support mental health associations, a home for autistic children, refuges for battered women, the American Cancer Society, YWCA, Youth For Christ, Campus Life, and humane societies around the country. At the same time, he played benefits for Native American causes and endowed a burn research center in memory of his former guitarist Luther Perkins, who had died in a fire.

    For a close-up photo of Cash, click here--->

    If my memory serves me right, I think Johnny
    here was a bit hacked off at a record company
    that tried to give him the shaft. It appears
    that perhaps he had momentarily forgotten
    all about Matthew 24 knocking at the door.

    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • joelbear


    True it doesn't mean it isn't going to happen. On the other hand, it doesn't mean it is going to happen either.

    You never answered all my godly justice questions. I don't really think there are answers to them anyway.

    Yes, my name means "Jehovah is God" in Hebrew. Mitch is Jewish but when we go visit his family I am often mistaken for a rabbi.

    hava nagilah


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    My two cents....

    Whatever else may be said about Mr. Cash he's certainly a genuine chunk of unvarnished Americana. And whatever his failings-- any I understand there are not a few -- his generosity of spirit and the bigness of his heart will serve him well in his appointment before the Great Throne.

    It also demonstrates that, contrary to the impression JWs would like to promulgate, they hardly have a monopoly on apocalyptic notions tied to Matthew 24. At least Johnnie's version enables you to hum along, or strum a few bars!

  • Yadirf


    You never answered all my godly justice questions. I don't really think there are answers to them anyway.

    At the time, I grew a little tired of trying to get through to you on that thread. Perhaps I will return to it before long. I will keep it in mind. You are wrong though about there being no answers.

    Room 215
    Thanks for your comments. I would like to meet him personally before he dies (should I outlive him, that is). I would really like to see his reaction regarding some of the things I would want to say to him. But there's about as much chance of that happening as my gaining an audience with the President of the USA.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

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