I cannot "unprove" every single wild-side 911 theory...

by james_woods 35 Replies latest social current

  • shamus100
    As I've said, this topic is done my alley. My stating being a high-steel worker for 4 decades was not to impress anyone. You fellows don't have a clue what this occupation is all about. I wasn't going to sit back and take the crap that a plane alone and it's crash brought down the wtc. This has been my bone of contention from the beginning and it's still is!

    Hi Golf!

    Sounds like you have a dangerous job. I'd be pretty freaked that high up with nothing around me! How do you do it?

    I understand that you are probably quite proficient at your job, but are you an engineer? I'm not trying to call you an idiot, but there must be some reasonable explanation as to why it failed. I think there is a way to explain it... No conspiracy. Just a few unanswered questions, just like how the titanic sunk. It took them a while to figure out how the 'unsinkable' ship sank.

    Stay safe up there!

  • RAF

    Hi Bix Tex ... Je vais bien, merci et espère que vous également.

    To be clear : Also when I say the same way of collapsing, there are major differences about where thoses 3 buildings have been touched (wich level and how for the third one) and after how many times of injuries they collapsed (all 3) for them to have the very same reason to collapse the very same way (and more over from the very top to it bases in such little peaces). So from that if you only give me one explanation I feel like it misses something ...And when a bunch ofexperts dare to give there names to support theories which varies from those accepted by the Gov, (and even risk to lose their jobs, messing up their carreers and reputations) I think that they did really pay attention to what they are talking about, "based on facts" and what they know on the subject as experts in their areas.

    With such controversary (in between experts) I can only stick to what is less incoherent to me (from all sides).

  • LockedChaos

    Trying to disprove a negative
    is difficult at best
    In particular with a yes or no answer

    Example question:

    "Do you still beat your wife"

  • roybatty

    One basic question is - why would the U.S. government NEED to organize such a huge attack in broad daylight infront of millions of people? An attack that almost crippled the U.S. economy. Bush and Cheney need an excuse to attack Iraq? Something on a much smaller scale would have been just as effective. Have a military base attacked. A U.S. warship sunk. A mall attacked. A school blown up....etc....etc..

    Why is it so hard to believe that a handful of highjackers got really luck and brought down the towers.

  • Gill

    Sorry to jump into this discussion in the 'cold' as it were.

    But, as i watched 9 / 11 unfold, something was wrong.

    Can't tell you what but I'm an instinctive kinda gal.

    Not all of 9 / 11 was fake.....some of it was real and hence the confusion. People want to prove one way or the other, but can't accept a mix of scenarios, which is where I think and believe the truth lies ......as always, it is somewhere inbetween.

    Neither can I tell you which bits were 'real' terrorist attack and which bits manufactured to enable a devastating murderous and illegal war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    But I'm no farmer and I still know manure when I smell it.

    Keep your minds open and never trust the people who claim to have YOUR best intersts at heart because they are self seeking scum and themselves are the puppets of devious puppet masters.

    Just don't jump in one direction or the other with this!


    Why is it so hard to believe that a handful of highjackers got really luck and brought down the towers[?]

    Probably because many people have a hard accepting that something (WTC buildings) or someone (JFK) as impactful on the world as they were could be taken out by a group of loonies or a lone and insignifacant loser.

    One thing that I think is forgotten in all of this conspiratorial thought, is that the 9/11 attacks were the second attempt at toppling the WTC. The first being done in 1993 under the Clinton administration. Interestingly enough, a Google of "first WTC bombing conspiracy" only brings up two entries. One reports an allegation that an Egyptian informant that advised the FBI as early as Feb. 6, 1992 that there was a plot to bomb the WTC. The second is from David Duke's website in which he states that he was under attack from the ADL for basically the same anti-Semitic stuff that many of the 9/11 conspiracy buffs advocate, namely that Israel was involved in both bombings.

    This begs the question, "Why are so many willing to buy the official government line about the first WTC bombing?" Why couldn't the government had orchestrated this bombing, and merely pinned it on Ramzi Yousef and Omar Abdel-Rahman? If 9/11 was the product of a government conspiracy, then the 1993 WTC could be also. In fact, I think that the clearest evidence of a government conspiracy for the 1993 WTC bombing was its failure.

    So why are so many willing to accept a 9/11 conspiracy, yet disregard a 1993 conspiracy? I believe that the answer may lie in the nearly pathological hatred of George W. Bush by many of these conspiracy theorists. My reason is simple, the Clinton administration appeared to have had many more cover-ups and conspiracies than the Bush administration. However, I do not believe that the Clinton administration was involved in a 1993 WTC bombing conspiracy, and the reason is simple, evidence. For that same reason I do not believe in a 9/11 conspiracy theory. If that makes me a "Kool-aid drinker", or a "sheeple" then so be it. I distinctly remember refering to householders that rejected the WT rags with names that carried a similar disdain ("goats" or "religionists"). I don't care if the conspiracy theorists call me names. I sleep very well at night with the beliefs I, and that are based on the facts at my disposal regarding 9/11.

    Edited to add: Leolaia (sorry if I misspelled your name), James Woods, Big Tex and others who have challanged the conspiracists have the patience of Job, and should be commended.

  • Gill

    It would be a truly terrifying world for any sane person to live in if for one moment they dared to believe that their governments were not working for the best iterest of the people.

    I can therefore understand full well why so many very intelligent people would choose to discount conspiracy theorists as a sandwich short of a picnic.

    But, history is full and I mean jam packed full of evil deeds performed by govenments to furthur their own ends, or the ends of the financiers that really rule the world.

    The conspiracy theorists know they will be mocked, derided and abused, and yet they continue.

    If any one here who is 'anti conspiracy theorist' can come up with one and I mean one good reason why the USA and the UK invaded Iraq a few years ago, then I want to hear it!

    War makes money and the world was short of wars. The mega rich MAKE money from wars.....guns, bullets, tanks, aircrafts, bombs, uniforms etc.

    Bit like winning the lottery, the world going to war, if you're in that line of business.

    These people RULE and CONTROL the world.....but funny how they and their children don't go to WAR!

    Did George Bush Junior go to war......or did he know it was a fools game?

    It is very uncomfortable to suspect that your govenment is against YOU and doesn't give a flying fart about YOU, only the super rich business people who pull their strings and own the world.

    Much cushier to believe that MR Bush and MR Brown CARE about us and want to help us..........Dream on!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    So why are so many willing to accept a 9/11 conspiracy, yet disregard a 1993 conspiracy?

    The irony about the 2001 attack is there really was a conspiracy. A conspiracy that was indeed compartmentalized and known by only a handful of religious cult followers who had been brainwashed into believing suicide was the way to heaven. And the conspiracy worked. The attack did in fact succeed.

    The conspiracy theorists know they will be mocked, derided and abused, and yet they continue.

    If any one here who is 'anti conspiracy theorist' can come up with one and I mean one good reason why the USA and the UK invaded Iraq a few years ago, then I want to hear it!

    The other ironic thing about all this 9/11 conspiracy talk is I believe an excellent case could be made for a U.S. government conspiracy to invade Iraq. What little we have found out about the process leading up to the invasion seems to point the finger toward Cheney and Rumsfeld having advance knowledge that there were in fact no weapons of mass destruction. That they knowingly lied and manipulated the Congress and the country into believing otherwise. And they did so for their own reasons and ends.

    Gill, the United States did not invade Iraq after the attacks on New York and Washington Sept. 11, 2001. America invaded Afghanistan. It defies logic to say the motivation for the 9/11 attacks was to manipulate the country into invading Iraq, when in fact it didn't. What's in the U.S. interests in Afghanistan?

    The United States did not start beating the war drums on Iraq until a year or so later, finally invading year and a half after 9/11. Now I know Bush is stupid, but if 9/11 were a government conspiracy the time to invade Iraq was Sept or Oct. 2001. NOT March 2003.

    That would be analogous to the U.S. waiting until March 1943 to attack Japan a full 18 months after Pearl Harbor was attacked on Dec. 7, 1941. It just doesn't make sense.

    It is very uncomfortable to suspect that your govenment is against YOU and doesn't give a flying fart about YOU, only the super rich business people who pull their strings and own the world

    I am at a loss to understand why you think people who want proof of a 9/11 government conspiracy also think the government cares about the average person. I assure you, I do not.

    Earlier in this thread I mentioned a real conspiracy involving the American government's testing of nuclear weapons in the state of Nevada, and the effect of the subsequent radiation on innocent people for hundreds of miles around. The government knew about the radiation and yet said nothing. One test was in fact to see the effect of nuclear radiation on the average town as a means of studying its effects.

    Such a government clearly does not care a tinkers dam about people.

    Please show me where I've, or others who want proof (or at least a concise narrative of the conspiracy idea) have indicated we think George Bush is God's gift, or we've turned a blind eye toward the American government.


    So why are so many willing to accept a 9/11 conspiracy, yet disregard a 1993 conspiracy?

    The irony about the 2001 attack is there really was a conspiracy. A conspiracy that was indeed compartmentalized and known by only a handful of religious cult followers who had been brainwashed into believing suicide was the way to heaven. And the conspiracy worked. The attack did in fact succeed.

    The conspiracy I spoke of was the U.S. government sponsered conspiracy. Yes, I do believe that a conspiracy existed to bring about the events of 9/11, but that conspiracy was limited to a small group of true believers in Islam.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I think there is a certain amount of denial with all the conspiracy theorists. If there is no conspiracy, then the world really is that fragile and our security really is that poor. It's unnerving figuring out that the security blanket is really, just a blanket.

    The perceived isolation we have of an ocean to each side of us gives us a false sense of security. And yet, a few guys with a religious intolerance were able to walk up to the class bully and give him a black eye. No amount of retaliatory black eyes given around the world is going to let anyone forget what happened and the ease of which it happened.

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