This thread is primarily directed to Biblical creationists and other non-evolutionists here (as such no or limited responses will be given to evolutionist posts here). Please if you are a non-evolutionist attempt to refrain from debating evolutionists here on this thread, as they will likely try to derail any learning, or exposure of their tactics. I will try to avoid debating here but instead posting information in a series of posts.
I consider myself to be an informed Biblical creationist and probably one of more experienced creation/evolution issue debaters to have been on this forum. This thread should help you to learn evolutionist tactics as well as from my mistakes, and the mistakes of others.
Principal #1. Watch out for Distraction. Be cautious about entering into lengthy debate. Read this warning:
Read it again:
If you must debate:
Try to refrain from lengthy discussions if possible (see above warning!). Its probably best instead to reference highest quality creationist resources avaialable online (and avoid time consuming banter) with evolutionists. I recommend the following be referenced to so that lurkers will at least know that informed responses are available for those who are genuinely interested.
The Creation Research Society
International Conference on Creationism
Understand that evolutionists here are generally are not evidence based (as they almost always imply) but rather are world-view based (though they will appeal to certain scientific facts to support their worldview). There is nothing wrong with being world-view based, nor with using valid evidence from science to support a worldview, however many persons claim to be "evidence" based, and in reality are ultimately world view based instead. Their attitude gives it away! The fact that most evolutionists here are not evidence based is reflected in the often vicious attitudes that they often express toward anyone that questions their belief system (no matter how well informed the questioner may be).
The evolutionists own ignorance of the creation/evolution issue. Strange as it may seem most of the evolutionists here (and especially the ones who lecture others about "their ignorance of the subject") are themselves very ignorant about creation and even evolution, (though this doesn't stop them from speaking). Examples will be given.