TV westerns aren't the same. Anyway, I believe Lucas McCain would make a fine President.
Who else liked "The Rifleman"?
by Tired of the Hypocrisy 41 Replies latest jw friends
I love that intro!!!! Lucas don't take no sh!t off of nobody.
Ahhh... loved that show. Watch it every chance I get, DVR rocks!
What's green, slimey and shoots a rifle?
Mucus McCain
Great show !!!
Loved it as a kid.
A bit of trivia ... he fires the gun 11 times in the intro to the show.
Rub a Dub
What even more fascinating is that, with one in the chamber, the gun only holds 6 rounds.
He must have ahell of a speed loader.
AK - Jeff
No, actually it held 11 cartriges.
Here is the Wikepedia info:
Modified Winchester 1892
The 1892 Winchester caliber .44-.40 carbine with a standard 20” barrel that was used on the set of The Rifleman appeared in basically two different style levers. The backwards round D style loop was used in the early episodes. Sometimes the rifle he used had a saddle ring.
The style changed to a more flattened lever instead of the large circle loop. This one had no saddle ring. The 8/32”set screw that was tapped through the trigger guard for the rapid fire action also came in different styles. Some were silver; others were black with a silver nut under the head of the screw. Sometimes Chuck Connors had the screw head turned inside close to the trigger. Most of the times he had it on the outside of the trigger guard. In some of the episodes the screw was taken out completely when rapid fire action was not needed.
This rapid fire mechanism was designed originally just to keep Chuck Connor's finger from getting punctured by the trigger as he fired and cocked the rifle very fast. The role demanded that. To have a rifle modified in this way certainly presents a safety hazard since the gun will fire in a semiautomatic fashion as the lever is cocked if the screw is turned in to initiate the trigger. The Rifleman cocked the rifle in two unique fashions. He spin cocked it and swing cocked it. These two cocking methods enabled Chuck Connors to cock the rifle using only one hand. The rife for the show was designed by the Stembridge Gunsmiths (no longer in existence). Ammunition used on the show was also made by Stembridge. They were five in one quarter load blanks. Most, if not all the sound effects for the rifle shots were dubbed into the footage which is why the rifle sounded so different from the other gunshots on the show. The 1892 Winchester rifle holds eleven shots, although a twelfth shot was dubbed in to the famous opening scene of the show.
Another modification was needed since the '92 rifle is a top eject and the top is completely open when the lever is cocked forward. The empty shells are then ejected straight up in the air when the lever is pulled towards you. When the rifle was swing cocked down by Chuck Connors side the rifle cartridges would have fallen to the ground when he had it upside down. So they had a rifle with a special plunger built inside that would hold a bullet in place for this trick. The 1892 Winchester rifle, a descendant of the Henry rifle and 1866 "Yellow Boy" rifles were made from 1892 until 1941 and total production was in excess of one million pieces. Many variations and calibers were introduced over the course of the 50 years production, but the basic design was largely unaltered. Winchester made 27 different variations of their 1892 rifle. Like the earlier model 1873, the light and handy Model 1892 was chambered for what are thought of today as handgun power cartridges.
Since Chuck Connors was truly ambidextrous and after much practice, he handled the rifle left-handed and right-handed with the same ease. To shoot it with rapid fire succession it takes as much force to push the lever forward and eject the shells before pulling it back to fire. It takes a lot of practice to handle it with the look of ease that Lucas McCain did.
Love that intro...did any of those people actually do anything that made them deserve to be shot down in the street like that? And then, cue the sunny heroic music..."The Rifleman!"
John Doe
I take my comments back. I haven't seen the Rifleman--I was thinking of gunsmoke.
..The Rifleman was great!....I still watch all the old Westerns on "LoneStar".................
Ah memories. . .
One of the few non-caucasian dubs I had the pleasure of knowing where I grew up in Idaho was a huge fan. He was all about it and hosted a few Rifleman marathons at his place over the years. Good times.
You've never lived until you seen a black man from Jersey say "here pa!"
Crikey, he must have fired a hundred shots in those vids. He's a machine. And yah, i liked the show.