Some of you have probably heard this talk before, but I updated my site and made this page: The best part (in my opinion) is the talk by Ciro Aulicino, entitled "You WIll Be With Me in Paradise". In that talk, he goes into detail regarding the mountains of corpses and stench of decaying flesh that JWs will find themselves surround by after Armageddon. He gives everyone "pre-Armageddon instructions", speculates heavily (and without scriptural support) as to life after Armageddon, talks of how animals will all be in subjection (including the snake who will "get a pretty little face again") and how the Society was wrong for stressing "generation". My favorite part is when he discusses how the continents will be rejoined Pangea-style in the near future. You can click on the link for the whole talk, or, if you haven't got an hour and 55 minutes to kill, you can click on the "Highlights" link. That will take you to a youtube video wherein my wife and I selected the best 10 minutes of the talk and put in accompanying visuals. WARNING: The talk (and the video!) are quite graphic! I wouldn't let my son listen to it, so I recommend viewer/listener discretion. Particularly disturbing are his comments regarding the 'satisfying' death of all non-Witnesses, such as homosexuals and those that "don't mind having them around". Oh - if you do watch the video, be sure to rate it!
Highlights from talk by Watchtower Representative Ciro Aulicino
by Shepherd Book 40 Replies latest jw friends
at the contents of the talk.
Hi Shepard Book Is this Ciro for real??? What an ass!! I feel a little vomit coming up.
Truly repulsive.
Hi Shepard Book Is this Ciro for real??? What an ass!! I feel a little vomit coming up.
Just as real as when he was 'serving' as the liason between the Wacthtower Society and the United Nations.
What a doorknob.
Is Gerrit Losch for real about bullet to the head and higher education, or is there some party line stepping in order to remain in certain postions until certain personalities are no more?
This diatribe reveals the truly hateful nature of Watchtower leadership. The homophobia is disturbing (but not suprising considering the source), and the way the speaker revels in the gruesome nature of destruction of all non-Watchtower adherents is sickening.
Clickable link to the HIGHLIGHTS:
Mickey mouse
Wasn't Ciro the one who signed the UN NGO contract? Seems he may not make it through the great trib either for fraternizing with the wild beast.
Warning: Above click has a bad word in it, but I felt it was the only appropriate way to respond to this thread.