to die today, what would you want to be remembered for? Would you want to be remembered?
If you were
by John Doe 10 Replies latest jw friends
I wouldn't want to necessarily be remembered outside of the people that know me personally.
John Doe
So, nothing in particular you want to be remembered for?
John Doe
So, I take it those are the qualities you value?
Everyone values those qualities.
John Doe
Perhaps to some extent. Nonetheless, I would rather be remembered by my friends as someone who made them laugh and was always willing to help. Bottom line, I want my friends to feel better off for having known me. Anything else is secondary.
I guess because I'm not known for my wittiness, being remembered for making my friends laugh wasn't even something I thought of. I've always been the 'smart' one and that's always worked well for me. Plus, high intelligence is important to me (my husband is the most brilliant man I have ever met (and funniest)). I was of course joking about the "sexy" comment. I think everyone wants their friends to feel better off for having known them. I just can't think of an original answer to your question.
John Doe
I see FS. I'm not meanig to underplay intelligence--there's no doubt that it is an important quality. I guess I have a mixed relationship with intelligence though. For my entire life, most people have seemed to view me as being smarter than I actually am, and I'm not cofortable with being seen as intelligent--well, at least no to the extent of being remembered for that quality. Naturally, how intelligent one seems is completely dependent on the people surrounding them. I think perhaps I've gotten the reputation of being smart in a lot of cases simply because I know when to keep my mouth shut and when to listen and when to ask questions.
It follows then, that in cases where I've become more vocal than usual, people's perception of me tends to drift in the other direction.
I would want to be remembered by my friends and acquaintances as someone who genuinely
cared about other people. Fun loving and easy going.
hope4others -
Tired of the Hypocrisy
My last wishes are to be cremated and have no memorial service whatsoever. I have it in writing and notarized because I know my wife will be pressured by jw family to "Have it at the hall." And I will not be used in that way to have some stupe try and preach at people to gain more members.