they say " Armageddon is just around the corner"
IMO ~ Who Is The Evil Slave And How Can We Tell?
by Flash 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
There is no "evil slave". The faithful slave Is the evil slave, should ne be unfaithful.
"On the other hand, that servant, if he is wicked, may think that it will be a long time before his master comes." Matthew 24:48 GWV
But if the man, being a bad servant, should say in his heart, ‘My master is a long time in coming,’ Weymouth
But if the slave is bad and says to himself, ‘My master is going to be gone a long time,’ - Williams
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Jesus didn't use the word "class", as in "faithful and discreet slave class" or "evil slave class". Neither did he say "faithful and discreet slaves" or "evil slaves". Right before it, Matthew 24:43 is not referring to a "householder class" and a "theif class". Afterward in chapter 25, with the 10 virgins, slaves, sheep and goats, plurals are finally used. The Governing Body misapplies the text to give themselves authority, as a "class" descended from the first apostles. Along the lines of RR's reasoning, Jesus appears to simply be talking about each individual needing to behaving in a reponsible manner in order to receive blessings and not warrant adverse judgment when the master returns.
Perhaps my understanding in view of the context is too simple. The GB of Hojovah's Witnesses would be out on the street if they didn't have the authority of their misinterpretation to cling to.
They tell lies and say Armageddon is just around the corner
My point here is, the performance record for the job the so-called Faithful and Discreet Slave has done is so abysmally poor, they are truly 'returning to the Master what is His, WITHOUT INTEREST!!!'
Good morning Flash!
I have some information concerning the FDS; the WTS clams to represent that may be of interest to you.
In the first place, the “parable” of the faithful and slave at: Matthew 24:45- “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? 46 Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. 47 Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings.
…was given by Jesus to the first century Christians, and it applied to those people ONLY! It has nothing to do with anyone since that time. However, one must have a good knowledge of all information in the bible, in order to understand the knowledge of God.
That parable (scriptural understanding) being the foundation the WTS is based on, kind of leaves the society "quivering in quicksand!!!"
I can prove most all-scriptural understandings by the WTS are wrong!!!
The bases I have for this statement is this: Most all of the New Testament (Greek Scriptures) applies to the salvation of the Jews! Those that would believe in the “Good News” that Jesus and his followers preached, and then they maintained a righteous standing until the end… their death, or the end of that system of things.
Mankind today has no part in in the covenant that Jesus concluded with the first century Christians.
Using the above knowledge will correct all the misunderstanding the world has of the bible, and will put one on the correct path to the real truth. The information that is in the New Testament will not make any sense to you or anyone else without this knowledge!!!
Hey Flash.
I appreciate what you're trying to prove. But...
When Jesus spoke about the wheat among the weeds there is no reference to any "organization" that is special in God's eyes.
The Jews had been the chosen people... But...
For God there was no longer either Jew nor Greek, for they could all come to be His children, adopted through their faith in the ransoming grace of Jesus sacrifice. Throughout these couple of thousand years people have put their faith in Jesus Christ and have been able to call out to their Heavenly Father out of a clean conscience and a heart of faith .
The evil slave as I undestand it from the gospels is that slave who seeing that the Lord's return seems to take longer than expected, turns to mistreating his fellow servants of God.
With Christian Love and warm regards.
--ILOOWYHi ILOOWY! I think we agree that Jesus never intended for there to be an organized religion. The Word was to be spread and lived, not enshrined in brick and mortar buildings.
I agree also about the 'faithful' slave possibly becoming evil and that there is not two opposing groups/classes.
Yes, a comparative study of all Christian denominations may show that many fall into this category, however his premise was assuming the JW's were "the truth".
but if the supposition listed above were correct then that is the way I would lean. Thanks for you input and open mindeness LayingLow.
Suppose the Bible Students were correct (Pre-Rutherford), then it would seem from studying those scriptures that the WTS is much more guilty of being the wicked slave rather than the Bible Students (Which the WTS claims is the wicked slave).
I don't personally feel that this is speaking about either group,They tell lies they say " Armageddon is just around the corner"
Stilla, I believe it IS! I see there is a lot that is wrong with the Witnesses, even so, I'm convinced they have a lot of important things right.
There is no "evil slave". The faithful slave Is the evil slave, should ne be unfaithful.
"On the other hand, that servant, if he is wicked, may think that it will be a long time before his master comes." Matthew 24:48 GWV
But if the man, being a bad servant, should say in his heart, ‘My master is a long time in coming,’ Weymouth
But if the slave is bad and says to himself, ‘My master is going to be gone a long time,’ - Williams
I agree RR. The faithful turns and becomes evil. I'm sorry, it seems I didn't make that more clear. Those in the GB who constantly profess they're the faithful slave are either evil slaves or slaves lacking understanding or slaves who understand yet support the evil and comfort themselves with excuses.
Using the above knowledge will correct all the misunderstanding the world has of the bible, and will put one on the correct path to the real truth. The information that is in the New Testament will not make any sense to you or anyone else without this knowledge!!!
greengopete! Is that Spanglish for gringo Pete?
Pete we don't really agree on this, even so, it is always a pleasure to meet a fellow lover of God!