Hardee's commercials have annoyed me to the point I will never eat there again . I purposely pass one by when we are on road trips just because of those gross commercials .
Annoying trend in TV commercials...
by Gregor 57 Replies latest social current
Yes... commercials can get old really fast. (Annoying, too.)
Then there are the ones that are cleverly written, and can be quite humorous - and get a chuckle out of me. Not that often, but it happens.
The thing that really burns me is that when they go from network programming - to commercial - the volume goes up be a few decibels. To the point that I get annoyed more by the loudness - rather than the actual commercial.
My wife chides me - cause I keep the remote nearby - and when the commercials come on - I hit the mute button. It also allows conversation during the commercials.
Jim TX
There are any number of really annoying commercials on TV.
However, the gal with the permed hair on the Instinct "Trailer" commercial is easy on the eyes.
I simply do not understand how or why anybody on earth could ever buy anything that Billy Mays screams about in that strangled-cat voice on TV. Yet he seems to be appearing again and again with more and more useless junk.
However, he is only second in annoyance level with me to that "Video Professor" computer guy, with the soft hurt puppy look - "Please buy my product...".
Following in a close third and fourth - in a photo finish - is tacky men's wear Joseph A. Banks (on eternal wonderful special sales); and the Empire Today litany with that creepy little cartoon gnome.
Honorable mention - the termite at the door for the exterminating company. Creepy in the extreme.
BTW, did the Mercury lady kind of get fat all of a sudden?
The thing that really burns me is that when they go from network programming - to commercial - the volume goes up be a few decibels. To the point that I get annoyed more by the loudness - rather than the actual commercial.
My wife chides me - cause I keep the remote nearby - and when the commercials come on - I hit the mute button. It also allows conversation during the commercials.
there is a different compression added to adverts to make them louder...
originally i guess this served to make them stand out..
but now it appears to be counter productive.
i too mute the adverts merely because i have to grab the remote to turn them down anyway..so it is easier to press one button when they begin and another when they end rather than juggle the volume.
i understand that companies have to advertise...and i also want to know about some events or releases that i might otherwise have missed. but i have to say that if the volume stayed the same then i wouldnt mute and would continue watching. i'm sure many others do likewise..so tv companies i think you should take note of that.
i have also noticed that when you record something on tape or dvd then even at fast forward the barand name can still be seen so it still makes an impression..this makes more sense than increasing the volume
My son has TIVO and swears he wouldn't watch TV without it. It does seem to work well.
I didn't mention the Empire Today ads because I thought they were just local. The voice over sounds like some kind of unctuous creep that you wouldn't want for a baby sitter.
What I can't stand are the commercials for the online dating sites, where they show these couples that are sooooo in love. Gag. That and the ones for prescription drugs. I think that all of the Rx commercials are done by the same director and production company. They all have the same feel. And all those stupid disclaimers. Don't take it if you've ever had liver problems, are nursing, pregnant or could become pregnant, on and on.
I love funny commercials. There's a couple of new Geico caveman ads out that are a scream. And the Sonic commercials with the two guys or the married couple, god those are so funny. -
I hate the prescription drug commercials too. The list of side effects are usually worse than whatever they are trying to cure! Just what is uncontrollable diarrhea anyway?
I love the Aflac ads with the duck.
The ones they show around Christmas are enough to make ya sick.
Stilla, yes the founder of enzyte will be serving 25 years for fraud. They said in some cases to get your money back they would require a notarized letter from your doctor stating that your penis is still small. Predictably most guys didn't go to the doctor to have them say they had a small penis.
Oompa my hubby hates billy mayes...lol
I don't like this local one we ahve here for the furniture of kansas in mcpherson. that guy is super annoying and really dumb with his jokes.