why must they keep bringing it up?
They do so, dear Mrs.Jo... out of fear... resulting from a "bad" conscience. You see, while claiming to "have" Christ, "be [the Truth," "know" God, "have [knowledge of] God and Christ," etc., the very fact that they live in such fear... and such BONDAGE... (i.e., the inability to look at their own shadow without seeing something demonized in it)... is actually testimony to the very LACK of truth in these assertions.
The TRUTH is that IF they truly were/knew/had the Truth... IF they truly "had knowledge of" God and Christ... IF they truly KNEW Christ... they would be SET FREE from such fear and bondage so as NOT to be concerned with such things (as opposed to having it permeate every facet of their lives!). As when Paul warned some about their issues with eating meat of the nations... these would be FREE to "eat," so to speak... and so become able to "pay tribute" to him that calls for the tribute... and "honor" whomever it is that calls for honor. They would NOT continually jump in their skins and look over their shoulders at every little thing; heck, they could even stop at a yard sale and perhaps buy that pretty little lamp because... their CONSCIENCES WOULD BE CLEAN.
All things are "unclean"... to those who are "unclean," dear Mrs.Jo. And anything such one touches also become unclean. But to the One who is clean... and those who have been made clean by him... all things are clean because it is made such by God's spirit. That's why the Spirit could tell Peter to stop calling "unclean"... what God has made clean. Sadly, like so many others, your father has not "heard"... or gotten the sense and TRUE meaning of my Lord's words, when he said:
"You... will know the Truth... and the TRUTH will set you free. Therefore, if the SON sets you free... you will truly BE free." John 8:32, 36; 14:6
Perhaps you might someday share this bit of truth with your beloved dad. If nothing else, it might hush him up and/or at least get him off your back -
I bid you the greatest of love and peace... and may JAH bless... you and your entire household (including your dear, but severely misled, father - )
Your servant, and a slave of Christ,