Personally, I'm not into any religion but I think that most Protestants are ok. Catholicism isn't my thing at all. Judaism, I've always been interested in.
If You Were "In" A Religion, Which One would You Want To Be A Member Of?
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
I like the idea of Universalism. It appeals to my quite liberal out look on life.
hmm.......I think I'ver already made that choice. crm
I don't want to be a member of any religion, but if I were it would Buddhism. It's not so much a religion where beliefs have to be adopted and taken on faith as it is a practical way to experience life.
Islam of course.
Church of the Squeaky Bed Springs
and sect of the Holey Sheets -
Islamic fundy, here too.
Religion by definition is: the service and worship of God. Worship by definition is: reverence offered a devine being or supernatural power. I guess I would ask (pray with a humble and honest desire) for God to reveal Himself to you. Then I would believe Him when He does. I believe true worship is manifested in the way you live your life. When you don't submit to a higher power then you make yourself god. When god meets GOD that could be a sad day. I'll pray the "real" God guide you to Him. God bless you!
a faith of my childrens