I don't think religion can disappear, unless we further evolve as a species, and come to some grand scientific conclusion. Science is working on that, through physics in string theory. I don't know if it will ever reach a plateau however, when it comes understanding how the universe came to be.
There appears to be dimensions that reach as high as 11 so far, and possible parralell universes.
I suppose if there is a God, it may be out of our scope, to fully understand the mechanics. The mechanics, is the real mind of God. It is possible, that we ourselves are all part of God. The good and the bad, as a collective. You can't have one without the other. Everything has an opposite.
As far as dimensions go, so far, in each higher dimension, from our own, there appears to be a pecking order, in the complexities and omnipotence of each. The limitations, to our understanding of God, comes from these barriers. For instance someone living in a two dimensional world, would not see anyone from a higher dimension because they see everything as flat. The higher you get, the greater the omnipotence and ability to see into other worlds.
Apparently, chaos and weird things happen in the 11th, if you can imagine it. If there was a home for God, this might be it. You would have full access to all worlds. If there was hell, this might be it too.
No, this is not Harry Potter stuff and I don't understand physics that well, so if parts of it need correction, that's fine. I really would prefer a more simple world, with one God that cares, but it appears far more complicated than that. At least science is doing a far better, and exhaustive search for truth, rather than just saying, " Oh look, here it says, that God is three people in one. Yes the trinity is a mystery!" Understanding a multidimensional universe makes that more beleivable!
At any rate folks, I'm just throwing ideas around. I know the first thing, someone might correct is, if we are God's then how can God be living in the 11th dimension at the same time. I don't yet have an answer, but very strange things are possible here.
Anyways, it's fun to speculate, but, in going back to original question. The UN is useless, people will always need religion, but I can only hope, that at the very least, the defintion of cults are made known to governments and outlawed.