Doctrine Hangs By a Thread?

by metatron 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    When I was in my twenties, I wondered "Wow! what would happen
    if all the annointed died off or couldn't run the organization
    anymore and Armageddon still wasn't here?"

    Guess what?

    Here we are!

    Lemme get this straight - the 'faithful slave' are the annointed
    directing this cult - er... I mean religion and how many of them
    are really capable of directing anything????? Twelve? Eleven?
    a few more besides the Governing Body? Does this farce ever end?
    Is everybody in Bethel so stupid or vacuous as to FAIL to realize
    that this interpretation is idiotic? (for several reasons).
    Of course, the rank and file are too zombified to achieve such logic,

    If this interpretation is their whole basis for special authority,
    how long can they go on ignoring the disappearance of their
    'annointed' leadership? Even the 'generation of 1914' caught up
    with them and forced the GB into desperate closed door discussions.

    God, what a joke!


  • Fredhall


    And now you are just a little baby

  • voltaire

    Just another disconfirmation of a WT prophecy. Randy has an interesting article on the freeminds website that describes how such disconfirmations often have the opposite effect of what one would expect. For those having doubts, your points might have some validity. For the 'true believer', it won't make a dent.

  • YoYoMama

    We are guided by JesusChrist not the annointed. So even if all annointed were to die, the other sheep are very capable of doing the preaching work worldwide with the help of Jesus and Jehovahs spirit.

  • Farkel


    : the 'faithful slave' are the annointed
    directing this cult - er... I mean religion and how many of them
    are really capable of directing anything????? Twelve? Eleven?
    a few more besides the Governing Body?

    The FDS lie was a diversionary tactic from its very beginning. It's just as big of a diversionary tactic as the use of the term "Governing Body" in Rutherford's day and up 'til the time a genuine GB was instituted. The purpose is obvious: make it appear to the R&F that some unnamed group of people are being used by God to direct his affairs on earth, when in fact all the power rests with the very few elite in Brooklyn.

    : Does this farce ever end?

    How can it? If it did, it would blow the lid off of all the WTS's "Bible-based" claim to spiritual authority.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • metatron

    YoYoMama, I'm going to suppose that you actually have
    a brain capable of minimal reasoning:

    If "all of the annointed" die off, why isn't Armageddon
    here? Where's the Millenium and their rulership?

    If they die off or go senile, what is the identity
    of the 'faithful slave' in Matt.24?

    If Matt.24 refers to anybody that is faithful and discreet,
    then logically, by God's grace, there is no special authority
    granted to anyone in Watchtowerland. -just anyone faithful
    and discreet.

    If they all die off or go senile, then countless prophecies
    and books and magazine articles become irrelevant, obsolete
    because there is no 'annointed class' to refer to in
    prophecy any more.

    Are you getting the picture now?


  • bluesapphire


    You forgot about the "nethinim" class. They got all their bases covered. Basically, anyone who wants out will eventually get out. But anyone who wants in will find any means to stay in.

    Sad but true. Just look at YoYo, Fred Hall, You Know, et al

    Here they are day after day reading all this information that I wish my sister would look at for a fraction of a second (but SHE practices what she believes). But they WANT to stay in the org. So they have to rationalize, rationalize, rationaize. Basically, they are not STRONG enough to use their "reasoning" abilities. They are comfortable with letting the borg do their thinking for them.

    The ones we can get to are the ones who are studying or the youth. Today two young little dudes (5th graders) came up to the office (I work in an elementary school) because they couldn't participate in patriotic activities. Now all trimester they never came up or said boo and all of a sudden, day after parent/teacher conference here they are. So I asked them, "How come? Just curious." Know what they said? They shrugged their shoulders. They didn't even know how to tell me why. So I said, "Is it against your religion or something?" They said, "Yeah." So I said, "Really, how come?" Again no answer.

    Those two boys may one day get baptized but guess what! Our efforts can save them! I know in my gutt that neither one of them will ever be a witness. They're the ones we can save. They could care less about the anointed and all that crap. All they're gonna know is that their whole lives they missed out on stuff waiting for Armageddon and it never came. Those are the ones, man! We gotta save those ones so their lives don't go to waste.

    The fact is all their doctrines hang by a thread or the thread long broke. If a person is strong enough to see it, great. If not, there's nothing we can do. IMHO.

  • buffalosrfree

    YoYoMama, You are guided by the wanna be perfects of the Governing Body, drool and all, And just what preaching work are you doing??? Walking your fat butts around the neighborhood, getting a few polite people to listen to your drivel, then knock on more doors with no one home, say your out three hours and talk to two-three people per hour, and you call that preaching work. Balooney thats wasting your time because the people who even let you loose your spill aren't really listening to you at all. Nine or ten minutes of talking isnt preaching its wasting your time. You are led by your father, the father of time wasting, geesh get a life, show the homeless how you care, the widows, orphans, those in need, talk to them, Jesus did he didn't go around knocking on doors to make sure no one was home, he went to where the people were, and fed, healed, and talked with them, all you and your ilk do is bore them.

  • buffalosrfree

    Metatron, Senility is the rule with the slobering bunch of incontinent, insensitive, bedwetting bunch, commonly unknown world wide as the governing bodice er body.

  • Bang

    To follow the WT is
    - to call a man teacher
    - to place trust in men instead of love
    - to make them the complete head of you, i.e. your 'father'
    - to go after those who say "we are the Way" and "the end is near"
    - to go from house to house (and without the 'stave')
    - to love neighbours differently than yourself
    - to take on His name in vain, and so thereby suffer punishment
    - to prepare beforehand what to say when delivered up
    - to prefer animal sacrifice (rules) above kindness
    - to withold worldly wealth (murder)
    - to take away from and add to the meanings contained in revelation
    - to seek to 'know' from a false prophet (lie to oneself)
    - to admit the self-righteous yeast
    - to despair of people
    - to try and earn divinity (boast in his presence, though one can't)
    - to go to lengths to make another proselyte
    - to not give up worldly wealth, at least half, as He commanded
    - to curse Jacob by saying that lying is good
    - to .... I think I'm falling asleep here - I'll think of heaps in the morning


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