I can see another aspect to this.
Over the last 20 years or so, the society has had over 100 graduating classes of MTS...100 classes @ 25 students per class = 2500 MTS grads that never made it to the coveted (and implied promised) CO position. What I could see happening is a lot of these brothers being "bumped up" to "Circuit Elder" (I can see this happening, afterall, there were Bethel Elders for years). I know of 2 others in my old assignment that are getting restless after 6 years in the same congo...and another from the same class that has also been in his assignment 6 years... They are getting restless. Who knows how many of these MTS grads are still in the Borg? Enough to fill this particular need I would think.
A year or so before I was deleted as an elder, I sat on a JC for a case of apostasy (ironic, eh?). The case was appealed and an appeals committee came down...3 Super Elders...including 1 PO that was an MTS grad (though that grad has moved back home with his wife and new baby). These 3 elders had been used a lot by the Society on tough JC cases and 1 of them is also a sub CO..... yep, I could see them being used in this new mini-CO role.
I dont see the local BOE ever being replaced. Have to keep the hounders in the congo..and to train the MS's to be elders...
RE: Bethel Real Estate Corporation.
No surprise. The DUMBO project was DOA a long time ago with Brooklyn Heights politicos over the Society's refusal to have ground level commercial (storefront retail, restaraunts, etc) usage. A block square project would have created 4 dead zones...one on each side of the property.
No surprise about abandoning Brooklyn and moving to upstate NY (Walkhill and Patterson). The money from the sale of 100s of millions of dollars of prime Brooklyn Heights real estate will be enough to build out upstate facilities... (Furman condos are going for as high as several million dollars each)...The Society has 1000 acres at Patterson if I recall, probably more. I can see the Brooklyn area congregations shrinking and/or being disolved and combined into single congos. All of those Bethelites are the only thing keeping some of those congregations afloat attendance-wise.
The only thing I see that I dont agree with is the time table...I can see the property sale being accelerated... if the right buyer comes along..you can be certain that WTBTS will jump at the chance to unload the properties.
just some thoughts..
Snakes (of the "glad I am not one of their MTS lackeys anymore" Sheep Class)