by Bill Parker 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • SC

    Hi Bill,
    Please don't go. I don't post much but I've read alot of what you have written. I have enjoyed the way that Simon has fixed this website so that a person can go to all of the posting that a person has written. Yours and Amazing's are the ones I go to. We need men like you to pick up where the WTS has gone off the deep end.
    I was wondering if you have forgotten Jehovah's underserved kindness that He has given to all of mankind?


  • NameWithheld

    "I was wondering if you have forgotten Jehovah's underserved kindness that He has given to all of mankind? "

    Where? I must not have been in that line the day he was handing it out ...

    Oh, you said "underserved". Ah yes, it is a bit under-served isn't it?

  • Tina

    well nice final slam as you exit here!
    I don't need an archaic book,written by crusty patriarchal men in an age long ago to tell me whom and how to love. Let's not even mention the conditions and terms put on 'love'.
    Sorry you need this antiquated,biased,sexist manual to do what should come naturally. I feel sorry for you.
    NAsty comments we make? Let's not also the mention the hate,genocide,murder incest etc etc that is in YOUR instruction manual.
    Have a good ,whatever.T

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!

  • mommy

    Hey Bill,
    You may be gone so I guess anyone can read this. You said

    There are those on this board who are reasonable people. They appreciate someone who is willing to share his knowledge.

    What many people don't realize is that everyone involved in the org have been trained by the bible, and even if the knowledge wasn't correct, what makes you think they are ready to jump on someone else's back for their version of god? Why should they trust that one person has more knowledge than another in the ways of interpetation? Your knowledge is not something they haven't heard before and dismissed. Nothing special, imo.

    You also said

    With nothing positive to offer they attack with slurs and insults and snide innuendoes.
    Last night in chat, there was a christian who was happy that apostates(his terminology) would be vulture food at the great A. He said as in Noah's day the door will be shut, and god will turn his back on them. So, you tell me how this is protraying love? Being happy that another human will die? Nope, I don't want a ticket on that train, I would rather love all men equally.

    You also said

    I appreciated the kindly comments of those who listened. As for the others they are really not even worth giving that much attention to.
    Hmmm sounds like a an attack to me. I can't believe that you are trying to tell us you have the love of jehovah, yet find some men unworthy of his grace. Since when did he give you the gift to pick and choose? It is people like you that give religion a bad name, sorry to say, but I don't need that kind of love

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

  • siegswife

    Personally, I think that you and those who think like you do have taken the same path as the Christian Jews who thought that Gentiles had to get circumcized and follow Jewish Law as their 'works that befit repentence.'

    When someone realizes that they are truly forgiven for their sinful acts, they repent from those acts and start living life in a way that shows they have truly cast off the chains of sin. Don't you think that doing that are 'works that befit repentence'? Nowhere in the Bible does it say that you MUST do certain things OTHER than repent and get baptized to publicly display the faith you are now putting in Christ's sacrifice. When you do those things, you are saying to God, "I'm sorry". Usually when someone is TRULY sorry for their errors they don't turn back to continuing down the same path, do they? They CHANGE. The changing is the 'works that befit repentence.'

    Does that mean that someone who accepts the forgiveness and unconditional love of God will never sin again? NO it doesn't. But if you DO sin and confess your sins and REPENT from them, God WILL forgive you.

    Who do you think you are that you can attach conditions to something that God has clearly attached NO conditions to? HE GIVES us a new lease on life. HE GIVES us the strength and desire to live in a way that is free from the baggage of doubt and sin. HE GIVES us everything that we need to continue FAITHFUL. There is not one thing that we can do to aquire these things for ourselves. HE has FREELY GIVEN us the opportunity and the means to take hold of it. UNCONDITIONALLY.

  • SC

    Name Withheld,
    I can see that you go along with most of mankind who thinks that Jehovah is a hateful God to let us all die but it is what was given us from Genesis to Revelation. The Bible is full of death but we have a reason for it and how are we going to appreciate Jehovah's new system of government if we haven't lived in this old system with most people doing whatever they please. I agree with siegswife that Jehovah will forgive us our sins as he sent Jesus to remove that curse. We have the hope of a resurrection.


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