I just enjoy life alot more away from the witnesses.
In my fairly small town I still see witnesses all the time, and it is amazing how much older they look since I left about 5-6 years ago,whereas I really don't think I've changed much at all (except for my hair being longer, and I have some facial hair).
I still get undates from my daughter about what her JW mother is up to, and sometimes it just cracks me up what those whacky people believe. Also, it's amazing the lengths they will go to in order to try and, "make a good witness" to others.
Recently my ex-wife's non-witness parents came to visit, and my ex had to make up some crazy story to tell her parents about why my daughter can't go out to dinner with them. Of course there's no way in hell she can tell them, "Oh, she's DF'd and I'm not aloud to talk to her anymore, I still do, just don't tell my elders. But there is no way I could go out to dinner with her...someone in my congregation might spot me eating with my own daughter and report me!" If they knew the truth, they would kick her a**!
When my son (who isn't DF'd, just quit going years ago) told his non-witness grandparents that he was thinking about joining the Navy, my ex-wife started the whole JW preach and talking about how wrong it would be (you know we only serve Jehoover's government), then my ex-father-in-law ripped her a new one! He was in the Navy for many years, and let her know that freedom isn't free right in the middle of the restaurant. My son told me he was quite loud and mad at her JW views.
Those people are crazy.....but sometimes very entertaining! GYMBB