I consider myself to be somewhat of an agnostic at this point. I know that there are some people out there who will say that there is no gray area between theist and atheist but I disagree. In my mind, there is always a gray area. Nothing is black or white. Well except maybe pregnancy, death, and most mathematics.
I believe that the Bible is inspired in the same way that I think a song or poem is inspired. A God didn't write it or have a hand in writing it, but the people who wrote it may have been thinking about God during certain portions of it. Much of it, however, I think was written as a method to control people, especially the war tribes of the Old Testament text.
The New Testament doesn't make any sense to me at all. It's almost like a sequel to a movie but the main actors were replaced with new ones. And then they include some fan service by making occasional references to Hebrew texts.
I do not believe that a deity would have made "the Truth" as confusing and puzzling as the Bible is. I think that if it really was the word of God, anybody could understand it. You wouldn't have to have men to make it make sense, an Organization. Why would God need both? If all he needs is the Organization, then why have the Bible? If the Bible is what people need, why would you then need someone to tell you what it means?
Further, I refuse to believe that a deity would choose to allow his creations to suffer cruelly, brutally, and violently just to prove a point to some other spirit creatures standing around watching. And yet he loves us. Does not compute.