Looking to try something a little different with my ongoing campaigns to free minds from the WT.
If this was sent to a few thousand JW's do you think any would respond? I'll check back in tonight and see if anyone has any thoughts on this.
The Oracle Question for a Jehovah's Witness
Do you honestly think a loving God would kill over 6 billion people, and spare only 6 million, because they wouldn't serve him? Would your conscience allow YOU to do that, if you were the all powerful creator? If you wouldn't have the heart to kill all those people, old men and women, babies and young children, do you honestly think a loving God would? Don't think of people as worthless trash that can be exterminated in a moment. Think of your kind neighbour. Think of that helpful kind old man or woman you see in the park every once in a while feeding the pigeons. Would you put your hands around their necks and squeeze the life out them because they wouldn't recognize you as the supreme being? Because they didn't follow the teachings of the Watchtower? And would you also make sure that they knew your name and why you were killing them just before they took their last breath, even the young children? If you wouldn't do such a horrible and violent thing, do you really think a loving God would?
I am a kind person who has discovered something horrible about the religion I had dedicated my life to.
Now I am doing the only thing a person of true integrity can choose to do. Reach out and help others to leave an organization that does much more harm than good.
Please research in the society's publications only - the teachings on organ transplants, blood transfusions, Beth Sarin, teachings about 1914, the Great Pyramid, 1915, and 1925. Consider what the organization was teaching when Jesus came to inspect the temple in 1918 and decided that this organization was worthy of being appointed the faithful and discreet slave class. Look up what was taught about the faithful slave (not class - that came later under Judge Rutherford). Do all this research using our own publications and tell me what you conclude.
Please have an open mind, and please be completely honest with yourself. It is not easy to do, given our years of training to never question the WT interpretations of scripture.
But please consider this:
Up until, I believe around 1989, the masthead in the AWAKE emphasized the central teaching that the generation that saw these things start to occur in 1914 would not pass away until Armageddon and the new system arrived. To change something in the masthead is a pretty major shift, wouldn't you say? If you have been going to the Kingdom Hall for 15 years or more, you probably emphasized that in your sermons or presentations at the doors time and time again for many years. I know, I did. What is in the masthead of the WT now? What if that changed next month. We were no longer hoping in God's Kingdom. Would you begin to wonder if there are any other current teachings that might change?
This is a message of love. This message is reaching out to honest hearted ones who have a feeling that something is not quite right. Something does not add up. Could it be, that you aren't that lucky person who just happened to be born in to the only true religion
Maybe one day, when the evidence becomes so overwhelming that you yourself decide to leave, you will remember this message. This attempt to reach out to another human being, and to truly help them. To help you. To help free you from a dangerous organization that does not teach the real truth. It actually divides families, and in some cases ruins families. Causes suicides (a close friend of mine lost his depressed daughter to suicide. She did not fit in at school. I know it was because of "the truth", and it rips my heart out to this day), widespread depression, puts lives at risk and has killed people over the years for withholding medical treatments (organ transplants up to a few years ago), and no blood transfusions, and no hemoglobin (red blood cell fraction) up until a couple years ago.
Would freedom from all of that interest you? Or do you think that it is good that all those people died, faithful to WT interpretation of the moment, thinking that organ transplants were evil and cannabilistic, or that vaccinations were from the devil? Ooops the WT was wrong. Does that mean that Jehovah was wrong, and that those people died needlessly? What DOES IT MEAN then? Please think about it. I have no alterior motive accept to help another person. I have nothing to gain financially by taking the time to help you. No pat on the back from anyone looking at a report card of my activity. Nothing to gain at all, accept to satisfy my god given conscious that I am doing the right thing.
May peace be with you.
PS: a few good sites to check (but there are hundreds if not thousands of them, and new ones popping every day) are pasted below.
Also go to youtube or google and do a search for Jehovah or other theorcratic terms and you will get some good information.
Not all of it is accurate, but your an intelligent person I am sure and can easily evaluate what has the ring of truth and what does not.
There are also a couple of site called www.jehovahs-witness.com and www.jwsupportforum.com that have
thousands of active JW members all over the world who have recognized that it is not the truth and have had their "awakening".
Some have faded, others stay on and try and help other people to realize the dangers of the WT faith.
I know this is hard to digest, but if you want to know the real truth you must EXAMINE THE EVIDENCE YOURSELF!
If I can reach even just one honest hearted person, and it enable them to shake free from the mind-control of the WT, then it will be worth the effort. Maybe one day you will think back to this message and remember with fondness the day another human being took the time to reach out to you.
May peace be with you.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at this email address.
looking for opinions....would this have ANY success?
by The Oracle 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
The Oracle
I doubt it..Say anything Negative about JW`s or the WBT$..And..Whats ever left of a JW`s brain,shuts down............Good luck though..............
The Oracle
hope springs eternal Outlaw....
thanks for the good luck wishes....
I'll post the statistics in a few weeks.
The Oracle
Octarine Prince
Apostate literature = no
I think most of that would not hold any water with die-hards. All they would point to bible examples and they would explain away all of it. they are totally brainwashed. For example the first part of your letter. "Do you honestly think a loving God would kill over 6 billion people, and spare only 6 million, because they wouldn't serve him? Would your conscience allow YOU to do that, if you were the all powerful creator? If you wouldn't have the heart to kill all those people, old men and women, babies and young children, do you honestly think a loving God would?" What instantly comes to mind is the story of the great flood. god had to wipe the earth clean. they believe that as fact and the "loving" thing to do.
Nope. Sorry to be negative, but here's how it will go:
Hmmm, what's this?
Do you honestly think a loving God would kill over 6 billion people, and spare only 6 million, because they wouldn't serve him?
Yes, of course, it's what the bible says, God is the judge, and he will only kill the wicked and the righteous will live in paradise
Would your conscience allow YOU to do that, if you were the all powerful creator?
It's not up to me mate, anyway, where's this going? I bet it's that apostate literature I've been warned about
If you wouldn't have the heart to kill all those people, old men and women, babies and young children, do you honestly think a loving God would?
I already told you, didn't I? Yeah, this is definitely apostate literature, bye bye
Mickey mouse
I was thinking of trying something along these lines....
Our ministry is more of a challenge than ever. Whilst mainstream religions are losing members, some religions use unscrupulous methods to prevent their members thinking objectively about their beliefs. It takes extra knowledge and skills to reach these people so they can open their hearts to the truth.
Did you know that many organizations tell their members they are God's sole representatives on earth; so if their members consider leaving that group they fear losing their relationship with God? Additionally some groups use phobias to prevent people every even considering leaving. Examples include a fear of death, demon influence and losing friends and family. From their perspective our message is seen as an attack from Satan to undermine their faith!
It's easy to see why such people are hard to reach. We owe it to these people to learn about the underhanded methods being used by high control groups so we are better equipped to help them. Otherwise they could lose out on the opportunity of learning the Bible's true message. Educate yourself about this issue and become a more effective teacher. -
The Oracle
hahaha barefoot servant,
that is probably very true and no doubt quite typical...
the brainwashing is pretty powerful.
It will be pretty interesting to see how many brains are jolted by this....there are always a few - thankfully!
It's kind of like mass mailer marketing: a 1 - 2% response is considered very good in most campaigns.
The Oracle
Witness 007
Most Witnesses have Perma-frost on the brain which is almost impossible to break through.
The Oracle
yes, but it's fun trying...
and - oh so satisfying when you do break through!
to quote a former US President
“We choose to go...not because [it is] easy, but because [it is] hard, because that goal will serve to measure and organize the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.”
The Oracle