Well this year'a ASSembly is over and the dubs in the Vancouver BC area are mad at the GB. About 100.000 dubs had to travel all the way to kamloops BC about a 300 mile drive one way!!. I have heard that that each dub had to shell out $500 bucks and more for food and lodging just to hear some druel about Scolio. Now there is mutiny brewing. All the Vancouver and lower mainland dubs are NOT going back to kamloops next year . They have told the GB to shove their Kamloops ASSembly.
Big JW mutiny in the Vancouver BC area!!
by 1914BS 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
May thier eyes be opened,,Yeah Vancover,,I love that place only been thier once scored some of the good BC weed and liked all the people I met.
Homerovah the Almighty
Thats true, but I don't know if it has gone to that extent
Its gets very costly to do that not just the trip there and back , a $ 100.00 a night hotel or motel accommodations for 3 nights
food for the days and you can see how the weekend adds up.
There are quite a few JWS that live in the lower mainland so thats a lot of people traveling to Kamloops, some young families and the elderly would
most likely find the ordeal overbearing .
I know my family that are still JWS complained about this big time.
Is this documented fact, I want to see proof, or just opinion?
Homerovah the Almighty
Ever since they switched from having the DC in Vancouver to Kamloops they have complained, probably because for decades
they have been having them in town and the folks from out of town had to come here, now the shoe is on the other foot and a lot folks don't like it.
The JWS have a circuit assembly hall here that they have been using and it seats I believe 2000, why don't they divide the circuits during the summer and use
that and hey its free.
The question is "who" did they complain to. I remember a congregation that sent around a petition and sent in to the WTS........the congregation was dissolved. Actually, I heard that about 3 congregations. Even if their feelings are valid, all they can do is not go to that convention and go to one that might be closer. I doubt that many will be brave enough to lodge any real complaints except behind the scenes.
Homerovah the Almighty
I wonder if they will serve strike notice to the Society
Stop all service work , stop all contributed money from going to HQ
Maybe get the Brothers and sisters to show up at the Mormon churches...........well you never know
Most jws would be too afraid to do anything openly. They might stop donating but I think many jws are already voting with their pocketbooks.
Well, I don't know why they're complaining- Kamloops is the most awesome DA site ever! It's nice and small so attendants don't act like jerks, the hall is across the street from the most beautiful park along the river where you can sit on a blanket under an amazingly huge tree and enjoy lunch watching your kids playing in the fountains. My family drove over a thousand miles to get there- just to avoid the overcrowded and ugly Cow Palace where you're trapped like an animal with no place to hide.
Vancouver to Kamloops????..Thats a hell of a drive!!..The expense would be "extremely taxing" on most family`s..Many simply would not be able to go..Roads going that way sometimes close..Too much snow!........Chilliwack is closer..There`s assemblies there every year.......Vancouver to Kamloops is Insane!...................