You never know how things will go for her, she may indeed find it very uncomfortable listening
to the things she now knows are false. I feel bad that she went back because she thought she had
no other way. I'm sorry you will miss her so....
Dog to its Vomit
by Sparkplug 29 Replies latest jw friends
Hey ladies,
I may not get to speak to her anymore. I saw her a few years back and since then have tried and tried to reach her. Basically, no response. I was even in town this year and hunted for her, nothing.
Sad thing is, when you are raised leading a double may not be so hard for her to go back and keep up the tale.
Oh well, this too shall be a bit numb after a bit and this is how it goes being an ex-JW.
I would say no big woop...but, it is and there is not a thing that can be done about it unless she chooses to.
Hi Sparkplug. I haven't posted in over a year and a half but I wanted to put my two cents in here.
I have never been "officially" out but just last week attended my first KH mtg in almost a year. I went this week too. The reason for this, as I was discussing with my marginal jw wife last week, is I am not handling the aloneness well. My life is not better. In some respects it is worse. I wanted to go just to try and re-establish social connections. I know this is a BS reason and the bottom line is I don't know if I can do it. I simply cannot pretend to believe things I have come to see have a flawed foundation or are unscriptural. It would be like going back to believing in Santa Claus.
It was very difficult to sit through a meeting after your eyes have been opened. I can only imagine the cognitive dissonance your friend must be experiencing.
Ya know sparky....I wonder about this stupid scripture. In all my years, I have never seen a dog actually return to his vomit. Infact they avoid it like hell.
Leaving the WT is on of the hardest thing that a person can do, espcially one raised in it. I am sure that like me, many of us took years to rid ourselvs of the emotional and mental shackles that bound us to that religion. I hate this religion so much for that, and how it manipulates people.
Once you realize the watchtower is nothing but lies and falsehood, your friend will only be able to put up with it so long.
She will not be able to fake it forever and eventually her conscience will kick in and she will leave again.
Leaving the WT is on of the hardest thing that a person can do, espcially one raised in it. I am sure that like me, many of us took years to rid ourselvs of the emotional and mental shackles that bound us to that religion. I hate this religion so much for that, and how it manipulates people.I totaly agree XJW-4VR.....
I KNOW THIS SITUATION FROM FIRST HAND...I was innactive for 6 years...and I nevered talk to any one. My "faithfull"ex-wife turned me to the elders for apostasy because I told her I no longer believe that the WT is "God's Chanel". I had to go through a judical comitee. It lasted few weeks!!! At the end I wrote a 5 page letter asking answers to my questions...I never got answers, instead I was disfellowshiped
My family broke, I wasn't allowed to attend to my daughter's wedding, that was only few months way(my wife was so eager to "nail"me to the society so she wouldn't wait at least for the wedding).
Now I'm still trying to get over with the emotional and mental bonds of the WT. I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK THERE...Dispite the preasure I have from my relatives. Ever since I left 2 year ago, they are having more frequent parties, than before, and they say that it will be nice to be have you, but you know "God's"law!!!
Leaving WT is a lonely path....BUT IS THE ONLY PATH...
Even going back there sooner or later yoiur friend will leave. You just can't hear the crap GB is selling them
CRAP, CRAP, CRAP, that's what we got from the WT
Pain has become my friend
Barbie Doll
(((((((((((((((((((( DECKI )))))))))))))))))))
You have more then one Friend. You have PEC and ME, We love you, WE will alway be there
for you.
(((((( Restrangled )))))))
Are you saying Dogs are smarter then People. LOL LOL LOL LOL
It's not that hard to figure out.
Women like her always seem to 'end up' with abusive men. She's co-dependent. Strangely enough, she must need the emotional manipulation the WTS provides.
I have a close friend who is co-dependent and I stopped worrying about her. Whenever she says what she's going to be doing, I always respond, "Whatever makes you HAPPY." She may get it one day. Or not.
Nice to see you.
Good's all relative.
It's like the scripture that says "Satan transforms himself into an angel of light" or whatever. That can be applied to anything apparently good that, according to your theology, is really bad. The bible's full of crap that can be spun in any direction you want.