Some of you are aware of my feelings about the role of women in the Christian congregation and know I chose a female priest (and someone who is now a good friend) to conduct Thirdson and Mrs. Thirdson’s wedding.
What got me thinking was yesterday’s review of the results of the "all colleague survey" with my manager when we discussed where we as department were doing well and where we needed improvement. My boss scored an approval rating of over 85% on nearly every topic. She is one of the best bosses I have ever worked for and her style of management is very similar to mine -- which probably accounts for a great deal. Her boss is also female. In fact in the last 10 years I have nearly always reported to women as either a direct report or as a higher level manager.
I work in Information Technology and my bosses (and most of my colleagues) are pretty smart and high achieving people. Many of my colleagues are skilled managers, good teachers, able public speakers and gifted in many other ways. What I thought about today, was how many of these talented and high achieving female colleagues would ever fit in or deem to be part of a religion like Jehovah’s Witnesses? When I thought about it I couldn’t ever remember one Witness sister who was a manager or a high achieving person in the workplace. I knew some talented female Witnesses growing up but those ones (like my sister and my best friend’s sister) aren’t Witnesses today. There are lots of gifted and women on this board who have definite opinions about the treatment of women within the WTS and JWs. How do you feel about the second class treatment you received in the Kingdom Hall compared to the treatment (albeit not equal even today in modern US society) you receive being out? Am I right about the lack of high acheiving women in the JW religion?
Edited for not spelling 'achieve' right!
'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'