I second what Emma said, "No honeymoon??"
Married my partner...
by writerpen 30 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks to everyone for the congrats. No official "honeymoon"; we had to get back to the cats. :) No photos either; however, we did have to pull another couple off the street to be witnesses so that the records could remain public. It was funny because during the small ceremony, one of them started crying.
You are going to be destroyed by Jehovah so your marriage means nothing.
Wishing you all the best!
You are going to be destroyed by Jehovah so your marriage means nothing.
That is a terrible thing to say. You should be ashamed of yourself.
AK - Jeff
You are going to be destroyed by Jehovah so your marriage means nothing.
I certainly hope this was in jest - for it is a terrible thing to say. On a note positive: Congrats to the newly married couple. Jeff
Congratulations !You married for love...to me nothing is more important. I married my best friend, lover and partner almost 5 years ago. We didn't have to do anything special, because we are male/female and you shouldn't have had to either. At least the tide is slowing changing, as more and more people, states and countries recognize that not "one size does not fit all."
Enjoy your life !
Love and congrats to you both!!!
Baba -