And it's all programming anyway. Surrendering control to the Fauxtower Babble and Crap Society will have one believing anything.
When you were a JW
by searcher 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The problem here is choice. I think the dubs believe that....well take for instance if I were checking out someone else's wife, well in gods eyes I have committed adultery. That's like me thinking about running a red light and being ticketed because I thought it. So if this is how he looks at it, he would have to kill someone in this paradise because of their thoughts, assuming they thought something displeasing to him, eliminating choice and singlehandedly turning people into bots, or allow choice to continue and man infect the earth much like it's been done already.
This is a huge part of why I have so much difficulty in believing in a god, certainly the god of the bible.
When you are young you think you are invincible anyway
This in my opinion is how it should be (nature), the young build the 'next world', fresh ideas etc, it doesn't always work out that way but nature moves slow, it gets there in the end. Age(experience) has a part to play, mostly encouraging the young to progress, as I see it.
Surrendering control to the Fauxtower Babble and Crap Society will have one believing anything.
From what I have seen of other bible based beliefs, that is true of all of them, at least to a greater or lesser degree.
Some of course are more OTT than others.
choosing life
I always thought that this life is such a mess, that it has to just be the practice session.
They sold me down the river and I let them. They said I could live forever, never need to die, on earth. Wow! Physical immortality! Don't have to change locations, ok I'm in. If it sounds too good to be true, well, you know what they say.
I still think everyone should get to live forever, with the cosmos being never ending, why not us? Not in a physical body though, that just doesn't work from what I have seen.
that it has to just be the practice session.
It could well be a practice session.
It's going to be fun finding out.
I never felt like I deserved it. We were taught that we are tools being used for gods purpose. That being said I often thought, we're expendable, just being used. Or was that just apostate thinking?!?!?!?
We were taught that we are tools being used for gods purpose.
That is something that all bible based religions say, I always had trouble with it.
Why would a god who was capable of creating everything need tools?
Vachi 8 He Is
And a practice session for what? Nothing we learn here now is going to be usable after death. All the hardships and obstacles we face will have been erased. One is not going to have to know how to love in hell. You aren't going to have to "climb a ladder of success" on Earth, and you won't be having/procreating kids in heaven. Everything that we've learned here won't be usable in ANY scenario after death, so what would Earth be besides a big waste of time?
I never thought I deserved it. I didn't deserve anything. Maybe I would squeek in.
Save My Soul
I earned it, I was a
nelitistpioneer!! -
searcher, I didn't have any "need" to believe in god or man...I was raised in that religion and little children believe what their parents teach them. It was indoctrination pre-belief. I didn't have a chance. Combine the indoctrination with the abuse I got and the verbal abuse as well, and I would imagine you could see why I had those nightmares.