..................when you first mast**bated (no this is a serious survey)
How old were you?
by DJK 23 Replies latest jw friends
When you first started to learn about the Bible, God and Jesus? Preschool or school age?
Who were you learning from? Parent, church or other?
I was preschool age being taught to by my father. He was a witness and we had home bible studies every week. My reading skills were above average by the time I started school because I was also being groomed for public speaking. (Sucked)
Preschool is where I learned, at home with my parents. I was reading by the time I was 4 in two languages. I was the most advanced reader in my class when I started school and I was a voracious reader. There is a lot of bad to JWs, but the family study and reading at the meetings does encourage parents to teach their children to learn to read and understand what they read, and the other JW activities also develop certain good skills like how to present yourself in public and how to speak publically. These are valuable skills. BTS
I was 12, my mom was a witness then, and a special pioneer at
that time studied with me....Should I presume you were not taught the book of Genesis, how God created the earth, until you were 12?
Hey DJK,
I guess I'd have to say from infancy. But I truely don't remember ever being excited about the bible or anything that was being taught at those meetings. We had family bible study and I recited the expected lines but nothing stuck. To this day anything I've learned about doctrine and most religious stuff I've learned from reading on this board and it's still boring, LOL
I remember once my mother was so upset that I couldn't learn to recite the bible books like all the other good little witnoid kids. I guess she finally gave up thinking I was just a stupid kid, It was boring so I didn't learn anything.
But in school I excelled - go figure.
I remember once my mother was so upset that I couldn't learn to recite the bible books like all the other good little witnoid kids. I guess she finally gave up thinking I was just a stupid kid, It was boring so I didn't learn anything.
I pretended not to learn very much. I was never pressured to baptise and I think it was because I didn't seem to be learning.
I know it was way before kindergarten I was screaming about demons in my bedroom. My parents had to come running in and my mom would say a prayer so I could go to sleep. Those nightmares lasted way into my late teens.
The Missus
day one - from both parents
I was born in a fanatical wacky cult that didnt believe in education or fun. So it started in infancy.
At birth..... my mom was the primary parent in charge of all things educational.
I was born in a fanatical wacky cult that didnt believe in education or fun. So it started in infancy.
Sounds like me too. My parents were both pioneers.
The first I remember is practicing field circus when I was about 4 yrs old knocking on all the doors INSIDE our house and pretending to offer litterature.