Where's the 2 week vacation? A 2 week aposta-cruise with S the D would rock. I'll pay my own way to that party.
However, if it's something like a 2 week vacation at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, please send Hojovah.
B the X
by OUTLAW 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Where's the 2 week vacation? A 2 week aposta-cruise with S the D would rock. I'll pay my own way to that party.
However, if it's something like a 2 week vacation at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, please send Hojovah.
B the X
I love this Forum..We have some Crazy people!..LOL!!..WTWizard..I think you have some issues..We all do..The important thing is..You Voted!!!!!..We have a vote for Satan!!............But wait there`s more!..................Billy the X-Bethelite,wants to Party with Satan!!..Another vote,for Satan!!!!.........The Contest between Satan and Jehovah is Heating UP!!.....Who will be the "Ultimate Champion??"..Jehovah or Satan?..You Decide!!..Cast your Votes on this Thread!!!!!..
Outlaw, I was just playing. I made the whole thing up! {insert snickering dog here}
Google "Bergonia".
I Satan! I vote for Satan.
I haven't been to a memorial in years - my tenth anniversary coming up! I'm going to celebrate not going. Yeah!
Yadda Yadda 2..This is a Battle for a 2 week Vacation,between Jehovah and Satan..........."Twit" is ineligible..Your not allowed to vote for yourself..LOL!!................................................We have another vote for Satan!..Shamus100 is backing Satan for the 2 week vacation!..This is going to be a tight race!..................................
..Will it be Jehovah or Satan,that wins the 2 Week Vacation?!!..
.....Only "You" can decide the out come!......JWD,Cast your Vote on this Thread!!......................................
HEY, who won?
well since jehovah's been on vacation for almost 6000 years now, and satan has been working his ass off since then, i think the guy needs a break. 6000 yrs is one hell of a shift. satan gets the vacation. have fun.
I'm sure the WTS wil also stop printing memorial partakers numbers to save on ink
Satan deserves a vacation. Who knows where this Jehovah/Yahweh/El guy is anyways.