my rant had the desired effect.... discussion.
Now let me address a couple of your points..in no particular order...
Do you mind if my new gf stays in the country, or are you gonna deport her too?
hey, I was engaged to a gal from another country...so I understand your point. The backlog to bring my ex here legally was at least 9 months. About your gf... a) is she here legally? b) has she applied to be here legally? then there is no reason to deport her, is there? As long as she has a legal US citizen supporting her here until she has official status, why kick her out... Even among the ranks of the illegals, it is not cut and dried is it? What about the kids whose parents brought them here illegally as infants and have known nothing but the US. Would it be fair to deport them? Absolutely not. What about parents that are illegal but have kids in the states that were born here (thus US citizens), is it fair to deport the family? No.... Should the parents be allowed to stay after the kids are over the age of 18. No. They should go home and go to the end of the line and wait like those who played by the rules... and hopefully by then the backlog wont be so long. This is why I suggest a moratorium on new applications. Immigration is so backed up they cannot get to the legit cases that need to be legalized. ICE needs to streamline the process, the FBI/CIA and whomever else is involved in background checks need to streamline their processes... this may take more money..and that means either a) tax increases or b) cuts in other programs to increase spending for immigration. Why keep adding more applications to the flow of people wanting to come here when the US cant even do a good job with what is in the system now.
I also said that some of my suggestions....suggestions... would require sacrifice..and would not be easy.
Your full of shxt? Just because you have never done any meaningfull work in your life dont talk about taking my social security money to pay for your welfare programs.
thanks for your input. Too bad you have to resort to obscenity and insults instead of meaningful dialogue. As to the meat of your comment, if something is not done about the whole program, there wont be any money to pay your damn social security.. Then what? Currently SS makes up 37% of US government spending and 7% of GDP. Technically, there is no money for SS. It is nothing but a drawer of IOUs (figuratively speaking)...you better hope the US government keeps making good on it or you will be SOL if you dont have other income from investments.
sounds like you got a good case of the WT trained "Godly Hate". You are full of venom. No wonder you were an elder.
hmmm...again... insults instead of meaningful dialogue. Why should our men and women of law enforcement continue to die because of fighting thugs selling drugs? I would rather see dead drug dealers than dead cops. How do you tell a cop's kid that mommy or daddy isnt coming home ever because some thug selling crack on his/her beat decided to end their life to protect his turf. I say its time to protect our turf dammit. Am I full of venom, damn straight. I am sick of seeing kids hooked on crack in my hood because of these greedy a$$wipes. Put the word out that drug dealers no longer go to prison, they are shot in the street where they stand. If they survive, they get a trial. If proven guilty, no more namby pamby prison where they can get a Masters Degree...no..... take them right down to death row (along with the murderers and pedophiles) and televise it on cable. Word of that gets out, maybe it will put a damper on the drug dealers' (and murderers and pedophiles) enthusiasm for their criminal activities.
Extreme? Yes. Nothing else seems to be working.
oh..and your comment about me and being and elder...the only reason I ever wanted to be an elder was to help people.. On my job, I met a customer who used crack, smoking weed. I am sick of seeing adults who were smart productive members of society become crack heads. I have helped this lady out to help her (not with money, but with time) try to put her life back together. She is off the crack, off the weed. Still on painkillers and is an alcoholic. But at least now she is not drinking while working. She got her CDL and DOT licenses (so she cant even blow a 0.04% if pulled over even while not working) and is working as a dump truck driver (meaning she is now a contributing member of society again instead of a leech).... with time, maybe she will quit the alcohol completely and be a real parent instead of a screwed up parent. I didnt have to do this, it takes time away from my job when she calls for help...I once spent an hour in her living room helping her get through 9 pages of court papers for her pending divorce that she had to have done before court the next day but was so overwhelmed she just stuffed it in an envelope and buried her head in the sand. I kicked her butt and stayed there until she finished. Because of this, her lawyer didnt dump her as she originally was going to do. ... I lost an hour of work doing that... and I make a pretty good penny .... And no..she is not a girlfriend, f**k buddy, even good acquaintance....just someone I met who needed help and others had given up....and her family has thanked me for helping.... that is payment enough.
so cameo...you no NOTHING about me, do you? I do this because I am a decent human being.
and back to jaguar bass's comment..... you dont think I have done meaningful work?.... EXCUSE YOU....since I have not posted my job history, how the hell do you know if I have done "meaningful work" or not? I will have you know that I have gone well out of my way (and way beyond my job descriptions) to help customers with their problems when other employees refused to help them. But, unlike you, I wont crawl down into the dialogue sewer and engage you in an exchange of insults.
I wont say what is on my mind to those who chose to insult me instead of engaging in a useful dialogue. To those who contributed meaningful ideas, thank you... maybe one day smart people will be in power.
And to those who were offended by my post, well, it was not my intent. It was an opinion...meant to stimulate discussion.
Snakes ()