I was out hiking in the woods of Northern California in the late 80's with a good friend. At that time, I thought it was cool to just sleep under the stars and enjoy the outdoor experience to the full. One night, while camping at a lake that was far up in the mountains and had no one else there, but the two of us (Was not a Broke back Mountain moment, sorry to those who might have wondered ). It was about 2AM and I am sleeping and my friend wakes me up and I can tell it is real light outside. My first thought is that the fire is still going to much and then notice the light is bluish. My friend and I were Witnesses, and being such the thought of UFO did not settle well. I stood up and looked across the lake and in the tree line it appeared as if a very bright light was shinning and making the night appear to be day. Now some might say, "That was some one's lamp going." Which would make sense and I would have agreed with you, but this was so bright that I could have set on this side of the lake and read a book. Show me a lantern you can hike in a the mountains, that can produce that much light. Anyway, the light did something else. It moved along the shore line and had that dancing motion of the tree shadows following it, as they shifted on the lake and shore line. My friend and I did not say much, other then "What is that?" ... which was followed with no answer. It lasted about 15-20 minutes and moved very very slow. Then it moved up the trees and went out. Okay, someone is reading this and thinking helicopter with spot light. So my answer to you, there was no noise. No crickets, no frogs, nothing! If you camped in the woods, you know these sounds fill the night air. Also, I have been in a helicopter and near them. They are loud and produce a lot of wind, that would disrupt the trees. This light, did none of that. So I ask you, am I full of crap and just wanting to be noticed and put on television?
I ask that, as that is the impression I get when I see others go on television or tell their stories to people. Everyone always thinks they are making it up and it must all be some skeptics playground of trying to show how it is not possible. The thing is, if you had one of these experiences. It does not disappear out of your memory or rationalize itself as easy as others want you too. I remember that night, as clear as it happened last week or last night. While I have lost contact with the Witness brother I camped with. I know that up until my exit from that religion in 1997, we talked about it and long sense agreed we would not call it a UFO to other Witnesses, as we all know UFO=DEMON to a Witness? So do you feel that way too? Do you think all these sightings are fake or made up. Even when several people saw them at once, who never met one another?
Personally, I would love to experience it again ... I feel the moment was a privilege.