Hi Everybody!
I haven't been around in a while. I've been much better with all the EXJW stuff, and sorta moved on...but I'm having a rough day today, and I would like to get some thoughts out.
I'm particularly upset today because of my parents. I've been shunned by my parents pretty much for the past 11 years since I've been disfellowshiped. They tell me that they are allowed to call me for family business and such. My mom called me when my paternal grandfather died, but nobody called me when my maternal grandfather died. The family cat died, and I didn't get a call...you could say they are wishy-washy.
Lately my dad has taken to writing me self-promoting emails. He is annoyingly proud of the fact that he was recently chosen Presiding Overseer of his congregation. He told me that he was chosen over a "black brother." More annoying is the fact that he brags about being friends with black people like he's doing them a favor by not being racist.
Anyway, after years of all the shunning, I'm now getting emails about how unclean I am for living with my boyfriend without being married. And how at least they have hope for my brother who died when he was a baby. My older brother and I are spiritually defective (he's df'd too), so at least they'll have help for the resurrected one!
Nice to hear from you, Dad.
And for goodness sake, how long has Armageddon been around the corner!!!!???