Beards its OK guys wear them, goodness sake

by Shane 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Mustaches were allowed longer ago for only black and hispanic brothers because it was "cultural." For white brothers, it depended on the congregation. In the same city, one congregation would allow brothers to have mustaches and another wouldn't. The brothers in the one that wouldn't allow it just changed congregations.

    I want to know if sisters can keep their mustaches? Would a bearded lady have to shave?

  • jst2laws

    Hi Ladonna,
    I will try to put something down soon. But I would like to scan some letters, or parts of them, maybe some pictures. But, though no longer an appointed servant as of this year, I'm still inside with family. So I walking a fine line. I have been fighting this issue for decades. The last few years I have been fighting Circuit Overseers and the society more than ever on more harmful issues. So I recently pushed the beard issue again I suppose to bring MYSELF to a terminal confrontation. The confrontation resulted but with new issues surfacing. All too complex to cover now.

    The bottom line, to all, is that a bearded elder in the US is to the WT society almost as bad as a clean shaven Arab to the Taliban.


  • Pathofthorns

    I get so angry thinking about this topic, but it always comes back to it, doesn't it? LOL


  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    You know, as I read through this thread i can't help but wonder how those who have never been JWs must view this. It must all seem so bloody ridiculous! Which it is, of course.

    One can well imagine Jesus denying a resurrection to a guy who decided not to shave, which he (Jesus) himself did, too. It's all so crazy. And those serving as elders either go along with this tripe or take the lead in enforcing it.

    Here in the land of Oz, we even have elders who MEASURE the length of a moustache!!!! If it fails to 'measure up' the poor guy ain't allowed on the platform to give a talk.

    And you guys at Bethel, don't you deny it! I know who you are, remember?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • duped

    I am new to this forum. I've only just decided to leave the so called "truth". I've been lurking for a bit. This is the first discussion that I felt I could contribute to.

    My husband, who has been "inactive" for a few years grew a beard while still active. The beginning of the end I suppose. He was told that they couldn't stop him from having one but he would not be "used" in the congregation. Even though every "artist's rendition" showed Jesus with a beard.

    I would also like to add that one congregation that we were in you could not give a talk in the "school" if you wore cowboy boots or if you wore a sports coat and slacks instead of a suit. How silly is that? Just one of many things that made me feel that the elders and the powers that be in the organization were just like the scribes and pharisees that chastised Jesus for curing sick people on the sabbath.

    "Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug." Mary Chapin-Carpentar

  • jayhawk1

    Welcome duped! I am glad to see you join us.

    Something in your post caught my eye.

    Even though every "artist's rendition" showed Jesus with a beard.
    I found some information somewhere on the web about JW books in the 1930s. They actually had Jesus and the rest of the bible characters clean shaved. It seems Rutherford hated beards, because it must have reminded him of Russell. And we all know how badly from about 1925 onward how much he wanted everybody to forget about Russell.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    Jeremy's Hate Mail Hall Of Fame. and [email protected]

  • ozziepost

    Welcome, welcome, welcome, Duped. We're so glad to 'see' some new faces, and we're glad that you spoke up at last.

    "Scribes and Pharisees" is very appropriate. Sadly the modern-day Pharisees can't see it, but then, neither could the Pharisees in Jesus' day, could they?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • ozziepost

    G'day Jayhawk,

    Thanks for bringing out the fact about the clean shaven illustrations of Jesus in the older publications. It's not so long ago because I can remember being raised on a diet that included a clean-shaven Jesus on the cross,, sorry, it was a stake, wasn't it?

    I hadn't drawn the connection with Rutherford before, thanks.

    BTW I was enjoying a cuppa with unc yesterday and I reminded him of his phrase, Joe Ratherflawed! Very apt, don't you think?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • jayhawk1

    I think there was a discussion here about three months ago on how badly "Joe Ratherflawed" wanted people to forget about the "Ol' Pastor". The connection was made to pictures in publications with no beards. It seems he might have made some order at "Bethel" to start shaving. One thing is for certain "Ratherflawed" molded the Society in his own image. LOL

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    Jeremy's Hate Mail Hall Of Fame. and [email protected]

  • Joyzabel

    WELCOME to the board, duped. Nice to hear from. Obviously this topic is an emotional one since the logic of not having a beard is soooooo scriptural. Enjoy the group!

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