Yes, another "the sky is falling" e-mail going around JW land. These guys must salivate with what's going on in the financial markets. They can smell blood.
*** g80 1/22 pp. 13-15 The End of Today’s Economic Systems ***
The End of Today’s Economic Systems
IF YOU designed a machine and it did not work well, what would you do?
You would likely try one modification after another to see if it would work better. But what if you found that after each repair it got worse?
Would it not be time to consider that the machine itself was unsatisfactory, and that a different kind was needed?
Today’s economic systems are not working for the good of all mankind.
There are enormous injustices in them. Hardworking people see their money eaten away by inflation. Hundreds of millions live in poverty. Other hundreds of millions do not even have the necessities of life. The New York Times reported of some lands: 'For many poor people the price of a single meal now exceeds a day’s income,' which is a striking fulfillment of the Bible prophecy, 'A whole day’s wage for a loaf of bread.'—Rev. 6:6, Weymouth, Fifth edition.
Really, today’s economic and money systems cannot bring the peace, security and prosperity mankind so desires. Selfishness, greed, pride and a heartless lack of concern for others are built into them.
What does all of this mean? Why the worldwide inflation, as well as food shortages, wars and other unprecedented troubles since 1914?
All these things are a sign of the times. They are conditions that were foretold to be a part of the 'last days' of the present system of things.
And included in the foretold conditions is that people would be 'lovers of themselves, lovers of money, . . . without self-control, . . . lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God.' All these things are part of today’s political, economic, social and religious systems.—2 Tim. 3:1-5.
Hence, today’s money instability and hard economic times for so many are part of the evidence that this system of things is rushing toward its finish, as Jesus himself foretold. (Matt. 24:3-14) Any patchwork improvements to try to keep today’s economic systems going will be very short-lived. No repair can undo the selfishness, greed and injustice that are built into them.
So what all these things really mean is that this present unsatisfactory system is moving toward its greatest crash ever, but by divine action, not human failure. As Jesus put it: 'For then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.'—Matt. 24:21.
Comfortingly, though, God’s prophetic Word promises that this time of coming trouble will be followed by 'a new earth' in which 'righteousness is to dwell.' (2 Pet. 3:13) That 'new earth' means a new human society, which will include a new economic system, one that will work for the good of every person. The promise is: 'The LORD Almighty will prepare a banquet for all the nations of the world—a banquet of the richest food and the finest wine. Here he will suddenly remove the cloud of sorrow that has been hanging over all the nations.'—Isa. 25:6-8, Good News Bible.
'In order to clear up the present economic problems everything must be set back to zero'
What will soon happen, then, is similar to what a Japanese businessman answered when asked about a solution to today’s economic turmoil. He remarked: 'In order to clear up the present economic problems everything must be set back to zero.' He rightly saw the hopelessness of ever repairing the system. And God’s Word agrees: it is too far gone. Hence, it will not be repaired, but will be demolished.
The possibility of today’s economic systems crashing has been a more frequent topic of discussion among economists lately. For instance, American financial commentator Sylvia Porter spoke of the real possibility of an 'inflationary blowoff in this nation and the world, destroying the confidence in any investment in ‘paper’ [money], and so undermining the functioning of our international monetary system that trade among nations would grind to a near standstill.' The columnist added 'The blowout would then ripple out to cause a rash of bankruptcies among businesses, a collapse of the dangerously swollen credit bubble, an upsurge in unemployment, foreclosures of vastly overextended mortgage credit, and repossessions of goods bought on installment loans the debtors could not repay. 'The scenario becomes more scary even as I write it.'
'Nations cannot go on borrowing to improve living standards'
Political commentator Jack Anderson similarly commented on the shaky money situation, stating 'Nations cannot go on borrowing to improve living standards. The money can never be paid back unless it is invested in production instead of consumption. For many countries, the debt is already greater than they can absorb without a financial breakdown. . . .
'Skyrocketing prices keep adding to the bad debts until the whole banking system is threatened with collapse.' The American Institute for Economic Research makes the following observations 'During the next several years, the following economic developments seem highly probable 'A severe and prolonged worldwide depression. . . .'During a prolonged depression, social disorder might well become extreme. . . .'Any person or family who appears to be substantially better off than those who are most adversely affected may become the target for mob violence.'
When people rob, rape, mug and murder in such increasing numbers now, in a time of relative peace and prosperity, they would do much worse if a breakdown occurred. An evidence of this is what happened during the blackout in New York city in 1977. In certain areas anarchy prevailed. Looting, vandalism and robberies were epidemic. The police admitted that they were helpless.
Similarly, in an African country, a one third increase in the price of rice sparked rioting and looting in the capital city. The streets looked as if a war had just been fought. Martial law was declared and a strict curfew imposed.
'Into the streets they will throw their very silver, and an abhorrent thing their own gold will become'
Concerning what lies ahead for the entire world, the Bible speaks of a 'great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.' During that time, paper money will be worthless. Why, Bible prophecy even says: 'Into the streets they will throw their very silver, and an abhorrent thing their own gold will become. Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them in the day of Jehovah’s fury.'—Ezek. 7:19.
No human leader, nor any form of human government, will be able to forestall the coming 'great tribulation,' since it is God’s judgment against this present wicked system. That is why his Word warns: 'Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.' (Ps. 146:3) What, then, is the right course to take?
The Bible answers: 'Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding.'—Prov. 3:5.
Those who trust in Jehovah now he promises to help even in an economic way. No, God will not provide his servants with luxuries, but he has promised them the necessities of life. (Matt. 6:24-34; Ps. 37:25) Nor does this mean that those who trust God will have an easy time in life, since they too are affected by bad conditions in the world. But they will certainly have more success than others do in coping with today’s troublesome times. In addition, such ones will have the assurance of God’s protection during the coming crash, and of surviving into a righteous new system. (1 John 2:15-17; Ps. 37:27, 34, 37)
That is why a family in Brazil who learned to trust Jehovah states: 'Although beset by economic problems, we are a happy family because we know Jehovah, the happy God, and we know his purposes.' 'Raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near'
So, regardless of how severe the money squeeze becomes, there is the sure hope of the best of times directly ahead in God’s new world. Hence, persons who have the right hope based on accurate knowledge, and who trust in God and not in material wealth, can ‘raise themselves erect, and lift their heads up, because their deliverance is getting near.’—Luke 21:28.
by whereami 15 Replies latest jw friends
More WBT$ Gloom and Doom.....What if you had a religion that never worked properly?..Would it not be time to consider the religion itself was unsatisfactory??..LOL!!.....................
lol Outlaw
It's wierd how all you apostates wind up getting this filth in your mailboxes. I'm an active dub (well, no, but I put out that impression at the KH) and I've never gotten a single thing even remotely like this. I guess it's cause I've kept my e-mail address safe from all the idle elderettes who write this pap.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Things may get patched up and keep moving along in "this old system". What will the dubs say a couple years down the road when Hojovah hasn't done anything?
Maybe the crisis will get bad and conditions will be terrible for the next several years. What will the dubs say in a couple years when Hojovah hasn't done anything?
"Well, we're just that much closer to the end of the last days." That's what they'll say. Many will still nod and say, "sooo close." Others will wise up and walk away from the false prophets.
B the X
Cut and paste the 1980 Awake! masthead from 1980:
"This magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 pass away."
What advice did this article actually give 'hardworking families' to counteract the effects of inflation?
The economic cycle is no worse than it ever was. The 1980s article is only discussing a cyclical movement that has happened regularly. I cannot get over the ignorance of people that think there is anything special about the current finanical meltdown, which on a global scale is no where near as bad as what has happened earlier this century.
Percentage wise, people now are far better off then ever. People how rights unheard of in prior centuries (think women rights, slavery etc). Anyone complaining about the cost of petrol needs to only think back to life 200 years ago when there was no electricity or cars. The worst case scenario (which is highly unlikely) is that we will return to conditions everyone lived under only a few generations ago.
Why did'nt the end come during the great depression? This will not be worse than the great depression.
The writer of the 1980 Awake! article had mental problems!
'In order to clear up the present economic problems everything must be set back to zero.'
If everything was set back to zero the same old Bush wackers would be back in power in 6 months.
Some people are sheep and some people are wolves.
And most sheppards lead the sheep to slaughter.
Political commentator Jack Anderson similarly commented on the shaky money situation, stating 'Nations cannot go on borrowing to improve living standards. The money can never be paid back unless it is invested in production instead of consumption. For many countries, the debt is already greater than they can absorb without a financial breakdown
Thats when Amerika really started down the drain when we started exporting our manufacturin capabilities and importing other countries consumer goods.
Now in the Bush era we subsadize consuming other countrys goods by the government givning us a tax rebate. The only thing we make in the US is prostitutes and beer and we just lost Budwiser.
We should be making everything we consume here in Amerika.
Americans should have health care instead of rebuilding Iraq and the rest of the world.