Zimbabwe Branch Is Cutting Back

by Tired of the Hypocrisy 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robert222

    I wish JWs could see that their so called true religion is just a corporation. If one of their business operations is not functioning, is running out of money, they close it down. They do not throw more money at it, they let it die.

    The headquarters in Brooklyn is worth billions in the US. They choose not to funnel money into a business that is failing in Africa (or anywhere else in the world). Its volunteer workers now have to get jobs and fend for themselves. All in the name of the true religion.

    It is a BUSINESS, I just wish active JWs could see that! It has nothing to do with christianity or they would send money and provisions to that country instead of abandoning their volunteer workers.

  • LDH

    I wish JWs could see that their so called true religion is just a corporation. If one of their business operations is not functioning, is running out of money, they close it down. They do not throw more money at it, they let it die.

    The headquarters in Brooklyn is worth billions in the US. They choose not to funnel money into a business that is failing in Africa (or anywhere else in the world). Its volunteer workers now have to get jobs and fend for themselves. All in the name of the true religion.

    It is a BUSINESS, I just wish active JWs could see that! It has nothing to do with christianity or they would send money and provisions to that country instead of abandoning their volunteer workers.


    Satanus you always make me laugh.

  • LDH

    PS Mexico went through this in the 80's, one dollar was worth 3,000 pesos. They finally just dropped two zeros from everything, LOL..

    A dollar was worth 30 pesos.

    What is the point of printing a note that says "ten bazillion flip flaps" when you know it's not worth a wooden nickel or the paper it's printed on.

  • BabaYaga

    So true, Robert222, so true.

  • abbagail

    That's a hoot about the pesos!

    The Fed should do the same here, knock off TWELVE ZEROES from the $10 Trillion National Debt, and it would be down to $10 bucks...

    $10,000,000,000,000.00 - 12 zeroes = $10.00


  • wozadummy

    Funny is'nt it ? They pour lots of money into Kingdom Hall builds which may go empty one day due to people moving away and yet all the JW staff and Pioneers are depending on outside "worldly orgs " to supply their personal needs like health care ....Is'nt Satan's system cruel for providing for the brothers while the multi billion dollar printing firm gives them a pitiable sum to live on???!!!

  • frankiespeakin

    I really think we are in for a bad time ecconomically and money hear will be worthless,,the only way to survive would be for unselfish cooperation,,and a calm and wise president through it all, and not a hot head to shoot up civians because of his distorted perseptions and options, and race preference ideas..

  • Robert222

    wozadummy, excellent point. I am going to remember that when speaking with my JW relatives. Funny how the true religion fails to provide for its membership when hard times hit. They must rely upon satan's world for help.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    Yaaaaaaaaay for WT branches cuttting back.... yaaaay for interference in rural field circus.......


    The Fed should do the same here, knock off TWELVE ZEROES from the $10 Trillion National Debt, and it would be down to $10 bucks...

    $10,000,000,000,000.00 - 12 zeroes = $10.00

    of course if they did that, 1,000,000,000,000 (billion) now be worth $1. Meaning your $1.00 would be worth $ $.0000000000001. Now you see what some of the other countries are going through...money worth more as toilet paper...imagine.

    Snakes ()

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