Bottom line, if the US government does not take these measures, we are all at risk of being in line at the soup kitchen in 6 months.If that's not at least trying to save families, I don't know what is.
Well, if you had a government in any form that people trusted - they might be more inclined to believe that. I don't see it. You have no idea if the bail out will work and it's doubtful that it will work entirely. People who have lost their jobs and their homes already know the US has been in a recession despite what Bush, McCain and Paulson kept telling people. If it works - the upswing will most certainly be temporary and global economists are predicting that but they every one of them predicts a long, harsh recession - perhaps running years - with a high predicatability of a depression no matter what is done.
I haven't heard anyone in the government say 'gee, it's costing us 10 billion a month in Iraq (minimum) - let's leave now and put that money back into the American disaster relief fund" - that's 120 billion a year. I did hear them commit a million here and 12 million there..a billion over there - that doesn't equate in any way with trying to save families because that would have to start at home...sammieswife.