Black Widow Spider bites beware!

by Thechickennest 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • daniel-p

    thechickennest, sorry to hear about your ordeal. Thankfully, most black widow bites do not lead to such a severe reaction.

  • jamiebowers

    I do believe that there are black widows and brown recluses in Ohio.

    That's just great. Our house is old, and it seems to grow spiders. My cats chase them and eat them one leg at a time. I've never been afraid of spiders before, but now I'm petrified--more for the cats than for us. Now I'll have to chase the cats around when they get a spider like I do when they go after bees. Oh well, one more weird thing in my weird life!

    CN: Hope you have a quick recovery.

  • Gregor

    I have a nice little spider who lives in the cowling of the passenger side rear view mirror. He or she seems to make a nice living in that precarious spot. When I get on the highway it goes in behind the mirror but is always there the next day. This has been going on for several weeks!

    When I was just a little tyke an older neighbor boy told me that spiders could bite you through the sole of your shoe if you stepped on them. I took this as gospel and this myth probably saved the lives of many bugs.

  • Hortensia

    I used to have a spider named Agatha who lived in the window over the kitchen sink. Every day there were a little pile of bug bodies under her web. She did a good job of pest control. She didn't live long though, I wonder is spiders just live one year? Here where I live now I have all sorts of creepy critters. Right now I can't seem to get rid of the black widows in the garage. I moved everything, swept out the entire garage, and sprayed the whole garage until I was choking. Still have black widows.

  • Gregor

    Spider bites are no big deal! Just a little scratch.

  • Fadeout

    Here in CA I've been noticing it seems like there's more Black Widows every summer (they're a lot more active when it's warm).

    On my property on any given night I can go outside with a flashlight and round up half a dozen at least. One night about a month ago I killed 20.

    Best defense is to clear out junk and generally not give them a lot of places to hide. They like manmade homes best of all-- under cars, in corners behind stationary objects, inside old cardboard boxes, on the underside of chairs and tables, etc. Immature black widows and males are not as easily identifiable as the adult females, but the layperson can identify them by their body shape and their web of unusually strong irregular strands.

    Gregor, I once walked face first into the middle of an occupied giant garden spider web. Now I know what the fly feels like... not pleasant.

  • fern

    This thread is creeping my out! Today I'm am starting a MAJOR basement cleanout and I was already thinking of the spiders down there. Think I'll wear gloves and long sleeves and carry a big can of bug spray.

    Confession- you might want to get checked for Lime disease. That bullseye you're talking about is a classic syptom after being bitten by a tick.

  • Thechickennest


    That is probably a brown recluse bit. They attack the flesh and as one can see the result is not nice at all. The widows as mentioned by someone in this thread cast a systemic bite meaning the whole body is poisened. I had the whole body thing. Until the anti-venom was used I was in really bad pain from top to bottom, could'nt even urinate. My speech was affected and still is a little bit. My blood pressure is still not stable and continues to rise in spite of 4 medications for it. My mind is sluggish. I would encourage everyone that reads this thread to clean out all the places that widows like to hide in and hatch eggs. In our area all spiders are flourishing. I hope we have a hard freezing winter to at least kill all the spiders outdoors.

    Thanks for the picture. It really drives home what can happen in an instant minute.


    Shamus100 is right..We`ve got a lot of Black Widows in B.C...Especially here in the desert..Black widow`s all over!..Combine that with the Rattle Snakes,Large Wild Animals that are more than willing to fight with my truck!..LOL!!..And..Extreme`s in weather that will kill you if your not prepared...........Home Sweet Home!!..LOL!!...........Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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