Why Can't Witnesses Follow Simple Logic?

by minimus 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    If you try to connect all the Witness dots, what do you get?

    Any JW would have to admit that if the "Faithful Slave" came to a new understanding on ANYTHING, it would just be blindly accepted as "the light is getting brighter". Questioning is not allowed, obviously, unless one doesn't fear being ostracized!

    Don't people see that the "Truth" doesn't change? A "truth" is never a lie, never in error. It's either correct or it isn't.


  • leavingwt

    From www.jwfacts.com

    It's like talking to a brick wall. Until they have a REASON that they want to leave, they'll never snap out of it.

  • minimus

    That's excellent!


    La La LaLa La LaLa La LaLa La LaLa La LaLa La La.............................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Finally-Free

    In its liquid state water is wet. That is a simple truth. However, if the governing body said water was dry most JWs would go along with it. For the most part, even the few who might know better would remain silent rather than be DF'd.



    I`ve had elders show me a Red book and say :"If the WBT$ says this Red book is Blue,then this Red book is actually Blue!"..Crazy Eyes............JW`s don`t care about the Truth..They care about following the orders of the WBT$..Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • leavingwt

    They have merely swapped the Mosaic Law, with all of it's unwritten, binding traditions, for Watchtower Law, with it's countless, unwritten laws and traditions.

    Imagine that you're thinking of joining a club. You know that the club has rules, so you kindly ask to see the Rule Book. They respond like this: "We don't have one book with all of the rules. The rules are scattered throughout decades of public and internal classified publications. Many of these publications are now out of print. Furthermore, we can change the rules at any time, so we really don't see any value in putting all of the rules into writing, in one book. Besides, a rule book like that might just scare people and come across as legalistic."


  • stillajwexelder

    Why Can't Witnesses Follow Simple Logic? I N D O C T R I N A T I O N

  • stillajwexelder


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    psssst they are trained NOT to see

    I made this comment a while back. I was playing a video game. Each time I made a match I got a score. I had played this game ofr months before one day I saw these scores floating up over the screen. I had been so intent on making the matches that I never saw the scores - right in front of my eyes.

    That is one way our minds can focus on one thig to the extent exclusion of all else.

    Now you take the example of any group that deliberately uses mind control techniques to control what people see only what they are trained to see - one simple perspective.

    I have seen JWs read something as small as one sentence and they cannot see/grasp one whole part of the sentence to the exclusion of anything else.

    This is powerful stuff. And the WTS, like most cults, know how to focus the minds of people on the tiny details.

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