I felt important before, now I feel just regular

by BonaFide 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    Become a teacher, then you really WILL be important!

  • Scott77

    I missed my family, my friends, I didnt have a car for years, I had no cable TV for years,

    or computer. But I really did feel a sense of satisfaction. I would have my briefcase,

    my files. I felt important and in the know and on the cutting edge, and all those terms.

    I felt wise and mature and smart too, smarter than the doctors and lawyers and scientists

    of this world. I had an answer for everything (BonaFide).

    I just enjoyed and indeed laughed aloud reading those lines. I think BonaFide is a gifted writter. Wow. Please, you readers, is not it logical to nickname him as another 'little Ray Franz'??? Please, what do you think?


  • BabaYaga

    It is a daunting task to "reinvent" oneself. The Organization is so very life consuming that it affects every single aspect of one's life... what we once considered to be success completely changes with new perspective.

    Be gentle with yourself. Be kind. Take things slow... this is a very emotional time, not only due to losing (or changing) one's faith... you also have to discover who you truly are, and what your own goals and philosophies might be.

  • Heaven

    Outlaw... LOL! And yes, it IS good to be regular. Thanks for the emoticon!

    I don't think I've ever really felt 'important'. At least, not from some organization. Three years after getting hired at the company I work for (which was 22 years ago), I was told by my manager ...

    "There's 10 people lined up for your job!"

    Wow... thanks for the motivational speech there boss. (You jerk!) After that, I defined my own 'importance' within me and am happy with what I've accomplished so far. I am looking forward to doing many more things in life and I don't give a crap how many people are lined up!

    Funny though... my current boss is in a bind and really needs my skill set as there are not many around now that have the skills I possess. Interesting, isn't it?

    BonaFide... Look to yourself for the importance... the satisfaction. I think you may be surprised. sass_my_frass has a great idea... become a teacher. So many people find this enormously rewarding. Also... no one ever says "Oh Crap! Not the firemen again!" Think of professions that fit with who you are that can be rewarding. Mentoring is also another option. I find helping others, even if informal, is hands above more rewarding than getting a pat on the back from someone who may not be that sincere (like my employer). Scott77 may be onto something there... maybe you should be a writer. I think by just being here on this Forum you are helping people that you may not even realize you are helping. I know that I am at least one person here who greatly appreciates your input. Please keep doing it!

  • onefootout

    You don't realize how position oriented everyone is in the org until you are "out of the loop" and then it seems so ridiculous. That's why during social gatherings there was the constant name dropping. The pecking order of importantance is established in the group if you know a wide range of 'important' elders, CO's DO's GB ect. I was a MS and I totally fell into that trap. Soo busy before and after meetings, up and around during the meeting, multiple parts in one night, constant compliments for this or that talk ect. You are convinced it is all hugely important, after all everything you are doing was somehow prophesied by God thousands of years ago. Imagine the ego at the GB level. Do they believe they personally are the culmination of 6000 years of bible prophesy. You bet. Such hubris! ofo

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Welcome to the MATRIX NEO.

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