They have just released over 1100 workers and they are asking for more volunteers? Anyone else had that question? Are there any here who were dismissed from Bethel just recently and know the answer? I asked a brother who was released and he said..."They still have to ask". I asked why and he didn't know.
I knew a sister who muscled her way into Bethel a few years ago. She had the priviledge of being a toilet washer. Anyway, she kissed alot of ass and stayed longer than what was intended but she was specifically told that they needed skilled workers and that she should go to Nursing School, come back when she was done and they'd get her back in. She was specifically told that they needed skilled labourers, which seem to be scarce in the WT world probably because of their view on higher edu-ma-cation.
Anyway, even though her parents said they would pay for her to go, she was too lazy and refused to so she had to leave Bethel.
The bottom line is: this is a typical double standard: on one hand, they're strongly discouraging the average Witness to go to college or university, yet that's all they're looking for at headquarters. Here in Ontario, you have to have your B.Sc. in the health field (which is generally a 3-year program), plus Nursing School.
So in other words, it sounds like they kicked all the 'unskilled' labourer to the curb and are trying to replace them with people who have indeed, gone to university or at least college.
I find it ironic that Crooklyn is looking for people who have disobeyed their "suggestions" and are letting go those who have followed their advice.
So Gumbers, you green signed up for Bethel yet?