Apple Day is here again

by Junction-Guy 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC

    I like bluegrass extremely much Dave. I am a bluegrass guitarist and fiddlist virtuoso. Who'da thunk. Cut my teeth on country and bluegrass and it came in real handy when I started playing in rock bands. Who'da thunk that? I sure didnt.

  • SixofNine
  • Junction-Guy

    Well I never would have thought that IP-SEC, now why didn't you bring your guitar to the Aposta-fish fry?

  • junctions-wife

    Glad you had a great trip David. I know Apple Day means the world to you. I hope the family is doing well. Did Darrin get to make it this year? Tell everyone I said "hello"


  • Nosferatu
  • shamus100

    What a wholesome thread!

    I'm going to change....

  • beksbks

    Shamus, me too! My heart is warm.

  • drwtsn32

    LOL Nos...that's what I was thinking.


    Having visited Kentucky, finally, last year October 2007.

    It's a gorgeous state. Pretty and pristine in many regions; diverse too.

    I've visited the city of Lexington extensively.

    I too remember last years (Columbus Day in the U.S.A.): (Thanksgiving in Canada). Yes, it was HOT! I remember was 91F in Detroit, Michigan when we crossed the border. Toronto actually reached 33C/93F. HOT!


    First off, why do you 'merkins think bluegrass is only down 'thar?

    You folks need to get your hinnies up here to southern Ontario. They can pick more blue out of crab grass, if necessary.

    There's a huge roots movement here in southern Ontario. Having hosted Kentucky-Tennessee based bluegrass artists in various venues here, the visitors (American) were blown away by the roots-movement; bluegrass if you like.

    Awesome stuff, and NO I don't view it as hillbilly music. I respect it as an art.

    IF you live in eastern North America (United States and Canada), this music has been in the veins of its inhabitants for centuries.

    Great stuff! To see it played in-person; it's brilliant.

    The apples. They grow on both sides of the border.

    Now the gospel stuff (musically/historically) is pretty impressive. I've seen non-wacky folks from North Carolina, blow me away! More done out of tradition, doesn't mean they're going to start pulling up snakes and have a 'holy roller' breathin' 'hell-fire' sermon. Uh-uh! Not at all.

    Enjoy Kentucky JC.

    It's a beautiful state with so much diversity.


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