Had a witness relative visit me yesterday and we got into a discussion about Noahs flood. I of course did my best to explain to her how it didn't happen and many of the reasons why. One reason I gave was the perverbial lack of sufficiant water to cover the earth. She proceeds to "explain" about the "water canopy" that surrounded the earth and how it fell etc. etc. She's one of theses types that you can't convince to even investigate the real scientific principles about the impossibility of the event. She will ONLY believe what is in the NWT of the bible along with anything the WTS says. I finally came up with an idea that i hadn't thought of before; using the NWT to make a point that really got her confused. I brought up the scripture in Genesis 1:14 where God lights (stars) in the firmament to act as signs etc. This was so obvious. I asked her how men could view the stars for their signs and guidance if the world was surrounded by a vapor canopy. I pointed out that you can't see the stars even when it's just lightly overcast so how could early man have used them for Gods intended purpose with that dense water canopy blocking their view. She left somewhat dumbfounded vowing to get an answer from the society. Can't wait to hear their reply! Now this little incident may not seem like much to most of the folks here, but sometimes it's just the little victories over the Borg that bring the most pleasure. Thought some of you might get a chuckle from it. later, chappy
The Flood
by chappy 16 Replies latest jw friends
That was very clever.
They will concoct some kind of stupid answer that won't fit or even sound logical. You do know that. Heck, your comment will probably inspire another 10 pages of explanation of how the bible is wrong and they are right.
When I was a young Witless (all those years ago!) I raised exactly this point and a bro, said he had read an old book published in the early 1800's which explained that the canopy was like super heated steam and invisible to the naked eye!
I didn't really think about this explanation,but I don't think it is very scientific, I wonder if that book is where the WT got the idea of a canopy from? they don't have many original ideas and love old science if it backs their loony theology.
That was a very good way to start her doubting, use the bible itself. One major flaw in the water canopy is that it would have increased the atmospheric pressure dramatically to the point that life on earth as we know it would be impossible and if it was "super heated steam" well of course that would increase the earth temperature dramatically.
Thea air pressure at ground level would be around 10 000 lb psi, and to stop the water condensing into liquid, the temperature would have to be around 900 centigrade.
There is no evidence of animals exploding as the atmospheric pressure dropped rapidly, nor could animals living at 900 degree temperatures adapt in forty days to current ambient temperatures.
But then the witless is innocent of science and always uses "God's mysterious ways "argument.
Witness 007
I haven't read the bible for a while so.....was Leonardo Di Caprio on the Ark or am I confusing that with another story?
Here's a question that I had ( I'm being lazy and pasting it from another thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/162365/1.ashx ). I don't think that it's answerable from the JW perspective. It might help you. It helps if you pose these things as curious questions so they don't feel like you are attacking their beliefs. Don't let them fob you off with some half assed attempt though.
"Another thing that happened during the assembly was that, whilst bored during the sessions, I decided to start reading the bible all the way through starting with Genesis. I didn't get very far. I got stuck in Gen 1. Verses 6-8 describe God creating the expanse and calling it heaven. Later, in verse 17, it describes God putting the Sun and moon in the expanse. This made no sense to me. The WT view of the world then meant that God put the sun and the moon somewhere inbetween the earth and the water canopy where the flood waters came from! I could not believe this. It was one of many moments that I've had since when I realised that I didn't know the bible as well as I thought. You know I must have read that passage so many times and not seen this. Anyway, after poring over the cdrom again, I wrote a letter to Brooklyn with that simple question. After about 3 months of checking the post every day they eventually sent a letter not to me but to the PO telling the cong. to answer instead. In the meantime tho' I had sent another letter. "
My friend "Shepherd Book" posts on this forum, and his questions about the Flood (documented in the site shown below) and resulting non-answers from the WT Society led to his fading from the organization.
You might find these letters most interesting:
Ah, the great Flud.
Jehovah had asked Noah to gather the animals in pairs to put on the Ark. Noah travelled up north and brought back two Polar Bears, two Penguins, and two Wooly Mammoths. Then Noah travelled across the sea to Australia and brought back two Koala Bears, two Kangaroos, and maybe even a couple of Alligators.
For 40 days and 40 nights while Jehovah pissed down on them, nobody ate. At the end of it all, Noah, his family, and all the animals were buried up to their ears in piss and shit. The Ark became very stinky. Good thing Noah collected two dung beetles to help take care of the mess.
Yes, the great Flud really happened! -
What happened to the mammoths?